The NCHMCT JEE 2021 admit card was released on August 3. Candidates can download the NTA NCHM JEE admit card by entering their application number and date of birth.
NCHM JEE exam pattern 2025 ebook helps the students to understand the exam structure, questions type, marking scheme, best books list and strategies to excel in the NCHMCT JEE entrance exam.
Download EBookDivyosha Banda | August 4, 2021 | 06:26 PM IST
NEW DELHI: The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the NCHMCT JEE admit card 2021 on nchmct.nta.nic on August 3, 2021. Candidates who have paid the NCHMCT JEE 2021 fee before the due date can download the NCHMCT JEE 2021 admit card. To download the NTA NCHMCT exam admit card 2021, the candidates have to enter their application number, date of birth, and a security pin.
Events | NCHMCT JEE Dates |
NCHMCT JEE 2021 admit card release | August 3, 2021 |
Official NCHM JEE mock test release date 2021 | August 5 to 7, 2021 |
Last date to download NCHMCT admit cards | Till the NCHMCT exam date 2021 |
NCHMCT JEE exam 2021 | August 10, 2021 |
Step 1 - Visit NTA NCHMCT 2021 JEE official website, nta.nchm.nic or click here
Step 2 - Enter the NCHMCT exam 2021 login credentials: registration ID and date of birth to download NCHM JEE admit card 2021
Step 3 - Then, enter the security pin as mentioned on the screen
Step 4 - Now, the screen will display the NCHMCT JEE admit card 2021
Step 5 - Download the NCHM exam admit card and take the printout for future reference
Candidate’s name
Roll number
Candidate’s photograph
Candidate's signature
NCHM JEE 2021 date and timings
Test centre name and address
Date of birth
Exam duration
Important instructions
While giving the home-based online proctored NCHMCT 2021 test, the candidates must keep one of the following photo identification proof along with the hard copy of the NCHMCT JEE exam admit card for verification purposes
PAN card
Driving License
Voter ID
Aadhaar Card (with the photograph)
Ration card
Student ID
Step 1: Visit the official website of NCHM JEE - and visit the login window and click on the ‘forgot password' tab.
Step 2: Now, select one option from the available options
Option 1 - Choose the security questions and answer the same
Option 2 - Use a verification code sent to the candidate via a text message on the registered mobile number.
Option 3 - Use a reset link sent to the candidate on their registered email id
National Council for Hotel Management Joint Entrance Examination, popularly known as NCHMCT JEE, is a national-level entrance exam conducted once a year for admission to the hotel management programmes offered by the participating institutes across the country. This year, the entrance exam will be conducted in a home-based online proctored test.
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