The incident occurred near Chiru Magrandaha village under the jurisdiction of Herhanj police station when the children were returning home from their school after hoisting the national flag.
Upon requesting a sanitary napkin from the principal, she was allegedly asked to leave the classroom and was made to stand outside for nearly an hour, the complainant said.
The incident happened near Anshupa Lake when students of Malaviharapur High School were on the way to the Saranda Parade Ground after attending the flag hoisting programme in their school.
Petitioners argued that the high court ruling nullifying the appointment of 25,753 teachers and non-teaching staff in West Bengal’s government and aided schools has harmed eligible candidates’ lives and livelihoods.
After receiving the investigation report from the six-member internal complaint committee of the school, a case was registered against the accused and he was arrested, the official said.
Several political leaders criticised J-K government for asking schools to send students to a Tiranga rally organised by ABVP.
76th Republic Day 2025: The school bands consist of students from underprivileged, and army serving families in Jharkhand, Sikkim, and Karnataka.