BSEB DElEd result 2023 declared at; 84.11% qualify

Bihar BSEB DElEd score card download link is active now. Candidates will be able to view the marks using registration number and date of birth.

Bihar DElEd admission counselling process and dates will be announced soon. (Image: BSEB official website)
Bihar DElEd admission counselling process and dates will be announced soon. (Image: BSEB official website)

Anu Parthiban | October 16, 2023 | 10:39 PM IST

NEW DELHI: Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has declared the BSEB Diploma in Elementary Education Exam (DElEd) result 2023. Candidates who appeared in the BSEB Bihar DElEd exams held from June 5 to 15 will be able to check the result from the official website,

Bihar School Examination Board announced that a total of 1,39,141 candidates appeared in the examination, out of which a total of 1,17,037 candidates have passed. The overall passing percentage of BPSC DElEd 2023 is 84.11%.

On the basis of the score and other criteria, candidates will be admitted to the DElEd course for the academic session 2023-25. Qualified candidates will have to enroll in the institutes The information regarding the counselling will be announced shortly, the board said.

There are around 30,700 seats in both government and private DElEd colleges across the state. Earlier, the board uploaded the answer key and allowed candidates to raise objections by paying a challenge fee of Rs 200. The results have been declared after reviewing the challenges raised by the aspirants.

How to check Bihar DElEd result 2023

The steps to download Bihar DElEd score card 2023 is given below.

  • Visit the BSEB official website,
  • Click on the DElEd result download link.
  • Enter registration number and date of birth on the login window.
  • Bihar DEIEd exam result 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
  • Check the marks and download the score card for future reference.

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