MH SET 2020 result announced; check category and subject wise cutoff

Savitribai Phule Pune University has announced the Maharashtra SET 2020 result along with the cutoff on its official website. Check the details about category wise and subject wise MH SET cutoff.

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MH SET  2020 result announced; check category and subject wise cutoff

Richa Kapoor | April 7, 2021 | 10:51 PM IST

NEW DELHI: Savitribai Phule Pune University has declared the Maharashtra SET result 2020 on its official website . According to the notice issued by the University, a total of 61114 candidates appeared for the exam while 4114 of them qualified the MH SET 2020 exam thereby making the pass percentage as 6.73 %.

MH SET 2020 exam was conducted last year on December 20. Along with the MMH SET result, the Savitribai Phule Pune University has announced the Maharashtra SET cutoff for different subjects and categories as well as for the PwD.

Important Dates for MH SET 2020 exam



MH SET 2020

December 2020

MH SET result

April 7, 2021

Release of the Maharashtra SET E-certificate

April 19, 2021

How to check MH SET result 2020

Candidates can follow the steps that are given below to check the MH SET result?

  • First visit the official website of Savitribai Phule Pune University

  • Under the announcement section click on the MH SET result link

  • A new window to check the result will appear on the screen

  • Choose the MH SET exam date from the drop down

  • Check the either of the two boxes (i) with marks (ii) without marks

  • Now enter the following details

    • Seat Number

    • Name

    • Date of birth

    • Mobile Number

  • Click on the search result button

  • MH SET result will be displayed on the screen

MH SET Cutoff 2020

The University has also announced the MH SET Cutoff along with the result.

MH SET Category wise and subject wise cutoff

MH SET Qualifying Cutoff for PwD

The MH SET cutoff marks are determined on the basis of the difficulty level of the question paper, total number of candidates who appeared for the exam, past years cutoff trends etc.

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