Andhra Pradesh Board has released the time table for Class 10 exams. The exams will be held from June 7 to 16, 2021.
Apoorva Singh | February 4, 2021 | 02:22 PM IST
NEW DELHI: Board of Secondary Education, Andhra Pradesh has released the exam schedule for AP SSC exams 2021. As per the report published in the Times of India, the exams will commence from June 7, 2021, and will conclude on June 16, 2021. The time table will also be made available on the official website of AP SSC board soon. The time table has been released for academic, OSSC and vocational candidate - regular and private students.
Visit the official website of AP SSC,
Click on the AP SSC time table 2021 link.
A PDF will be displayed on your screens.
Check all the exam dates and save the PDF for future reference.
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