CA CPT 2019 exam tomorrow; Check important tips here

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Ridhi.Khurana | June 15, 2019 | 03:34 PM IST

NEW DELHI, JUNE 15- The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is going to conduct the Common Proficiency Test (CPT) on June 16, 2019.

CPT exam is the entry level examination for Chartered Accountancy. This exam was conducted twice a year (June and December) till now. But it may be noted that this one is going to be the last session for CPT as it has been overtaken by CA Foundation course.

Exam Centres

There are 197 examination centres in India including Srinagar, Noida, Bhopal, Thiruvananthapuram, etc. where CPT June session will be held tomorrow. The overseas examination centres for CPT 2019 are as follows:

  • Kathmandu

  • Abu Dhabi

  • Doha

  • Dubai

  • Muscat

Exam Pattern

Mode of exam


Total duration of exam

4 hours

Exam sessions

2 sessions of 2 hours

Morning session: 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Break: 12.30 P.M. TO 1.30 P.M.

Afternoon session: 2 PM to 4 PM

Type of questions


Total questions


Division of questions

Sec A: Fundamentals of Accounting- 40

Sec B: Mercantile Laws- 60

Sec C: General Economics- 50

Sec D: Quantitative Aptitude- 50

Marking scheme (Negative marking)

+1 for each correct response

- .25 for each incorrect response

Tips for exam

  1. Stay calm and hydrated

  2. Point out the tricky and more time consuming questions

  3. First solve the questions which will take less time

  4. Keep filling the OMR sheet simultaneously and don’t wait for last minutes

  5. Carefully fill your response in the OMR sheet

  6. During break between sessions, forget about what happened in the first session and relax for sometime focussing on the next session.

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