CBSE Board Exam 2022: Term 1 vs term 2; Know the difference

CBSE to conduct board term 1 exams 2021-22 in November-December. Students can check the difference between CBSE term 1 assessment and term 2.

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CBSE board exam 2022 term 1 datesheet soon (Representative image)

Anu Parthiban | September 27, 2021 | 04:45 PM IST

NEW DELHI: Central Board of Secondary Examination (CBSE) had revised the syllabus and the exam pattern for the academic year 2021-22. The CBSE Board exams for Class 10, 12 have been divided into two terms with approximately 50% syllabus in each term. Class 10, 12 students can download the CBSE board syllabus 2021-22 for each subject from the official website,

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CBSE Board Exam 2022: Term 1 vs Term 2

CBSE Term 1 exam 2022

CBSE Term 2 exam 2022

The CBSE will organize Term 1 exam between November-December 2021

The CBSE Term 2 examination would be held around March-April 2022

The CBSE question paper will have multiple-choice questions (MCQ) including case-based MCQs and MCQs on assertion-reasoning type.

The CBSE question paper will have different formats such as case-based/ situation based, open-ended- short answer/ long answer type.

Duration of the test will be 90 minutes

The paper will be of 2 hours duration

The exams will be conducted under the supervision of the external center superintendents and observers appointed by CBSE.

The exam will be held at the examination centres fixed by the Board.

The Board will organize Term 1 exam based on the rationalized syllabus of Term 1 only

The Board will organize Term 2 or year-end exam based on the rationalized syllabus of Term 2 only

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The CBSE term 1 question papers will be sent by the CBSE to schools along with the marking scheme. The responses of students will be captured on OMR sheets which, after scanning may be directly uploaded at the CBSE portal or alternatively may be evaluated and marks obtained will be uploaded by the school on the very same day, the board said.

In case the situation is not conducive for the normal descriptive exam, a 90 minute MCQ based exam will be conducted at the end of Term 2 also.

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