Candidates can download the CMA Final and Intermediate result for December 2021 by logging into the examination portal.
This E-book provides complete details of ICMAI CMA including the three stages of CMA, their eligibility criteria, admission process, syllabus, fee structure, and career options.
Download EBookShubham Bhakuni | February 20, 2022 | 05:17 PM IST
NEW DELHI: The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of India (ICMAI) has declared the results of CMA Final and Intermediate for December 2021 exams on February 19, 2022. Candidates can download the CMA scorecards by logging into the examination portal - Along with the individual results of CMA December 2021 exams, the institute has also released the pass lists of both levels
LATEST: Click here to download CMA Final, Inter result for December 2021 term
New: CMA Inter and Final Result Dec 2024 Out - Direct Link
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Visit the ICMAI CMA result portal (Direct link is given above)
Click on result link
Enter your registration number and click on “View result” otion
The result of CMA Final/Intermediate for December 2021 term will be displayed on the screen
Save the scorecard for future reference
Candidates will be able to check the following details on CMA December results 2021.
Name and roll number of the candidate
Registration number
Paper wise marks and total marks obtained
Qualifying status
Candidates who have secured at least 40% marks in each paper and a total aggregate of 50% of marks in all the papers of the CMA intermediate/Final exam will be considered to have passed the examination. Candidates who could not attain the minimum qualifying marks will have to reappear in the examination in the next session.
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