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Download EBookBilwma Basumatary | February 5, 2019 | 04:12 PM IST
New: MP Board Class 12 Admit Card 2025 Released: Download PDF
Also Check: MP Board 12th Time Table 2025 (Revised): Check PDF | Model Papers
MP Board 12th PYQ's: Physics | Chemistry | Math | Biology
MP Board 12th PYQ's: English | History | Economics | Political Science
NEW DELHI, FEBRUARY 5: Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education has released the admit card for classes 10th and 12th board exams 2019. The class 10 exams will be conducted between March 1-27, 2019 whereas class 12 exams will be held from March 2 to April 2, 2019. The board has released the admit for all the candidates who have successfully registered for the exam. It is mandatory for all the candidates to carry the admit card on the exam day as no candidate will be allowed to write the exam without it.
Candidates can check and download the admit card following the steps below -
Go the official link -
A new window will appear on the screen
Candidates need to enter their application number in the login window
After this, they need to answer the question which appears on the screen
Click on Submit
The admit card will be downloaded
Take a print out and keep it safe
Given below is the snapshot of the login window:
Details mentioned in admit card-
Candidate’s name
Father’s/ Mother’s name
Exam centre
Timing of the exam
Dates for the examination
Photograph and signature of the candidate
Important instruction
After downloading the admit card/ hall ticket, candidates must check that all the details mentioned in it are correct. They are advised to keep the admit card safely till the results are out. They must also go through all the important instructions as mentioned in it.
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