UGC approves recognition of prior learning, apprenticeship programme guidelines

UGC asks higher educational institutions to give credits for prior learning, offer apprenticeship embedded degree programmes.

UGC approves RPL, AEDP guidelines; asks HEIs to implement starting 2025 session. (Image: UGC chairman M Jagadesh Kumar/official X account)
UGC approves RPL, AEDP guidelines; asks HEIs to implement starting 2025 session. (Image: UGC chairman M Jagadesh Kumar/official X account)

Vagisha Kaushik | March 25, 2025 | 07:19 PM IST

NEW DELHI: The University Grants Commission (UGC) has approved the guidelines for apprenticeship embedded degree programme and recognition of prior learning. The commission has asked all higher education institutions to implement the regulations, especially AEDP from July 2025.

AEDP allows students admitted in undergraduate programmes to pursue apprenticeship as an integral component of the degree programme. It aims to enhance the employability of students, focus on outcome-based learning, strengthen networks between higher educational institutions and industries and bridge the skill gap in the industries.

On the other hand, RPL is an assessment process aimed to help learners turn their knowledge and competencies acquired through formal, non-formal and informal learning into credits, for seamless integration with higher education qualifications. The methods of assessment include portfolios, interviews, practical demonstrations, written exams, and reflective journals.

UGC RPL guidelines

The eligibility criteria for RPL include the following parameters:

  • Relevant Prior Learning Experience
  • Language Proficiency
  • Demonstrated Competence
  • Sufficient Depth and Breadth of Knowledge and Skills
  • Validity and Authenticity of Evidence
  • Assessment Readiness

The process of RPL includes five major stages:

  • Stage 1: Awareness, Information, and Guidance
  • Stage 2: Pre-Assessment for Gathering Evidence and Providing Information
  • Stage 3: Assessment and Documentation of Evidence
  • Stage 4: Claiming Certification
  • Stage 5: Appeal

UGC AEDP guidelines

Any HEI can offer an AEDP programme which fulfils any of the following conditions:

  • Having ranked in the University category of the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) in the latest NIRF rankings
  • Having a valid grade/score by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)
  • Having a valid basic accreditation by the NAAC and complying with the criteria specified by the commission from time to time.

For a three-year UG programme, the minimum duration of apprenticeship would be one semester and maximum can be three semesters. For a four-year programme, the minimum and maximum duration of apprenticeship would be two and four semesters respectively.

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