NCHM JEE exam pattern 2025 ebook helps the students to understand the exam structure, questions type, marking scheme, best books list and strategies to excel in the NCHMCT JEE entrance exam.
Download EBookPrerna Goel | August 29, 2020 | 06:47 PM IST
NEW DELHI - The National Testing Agency (NTA) will conduct the NCHM JEE 2020 today at various test centres between 3:00 p.m to 6:00 p.m. In wake of COVID 19, candidates who will be arriving at the NCHMCT JEE test centre they will have to follow the guidelines that have been laid down by the NTA. Those who will appear for the NCHM JEE 2020 exam, they will have to carry with them the admit card along with valid identity proof. Careers360 bring to you the guidelines which the candidates must adhere to at the NCHMCT JEE test centre and the instructions that they must follow inside the exam hall. Post the exam analysis of NCHMCT JEE will also be provided based on the inputs that will be provided by the candidates
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Careers360 brings to you the live updates about the NCHMCT JEE entrance exam 2020
Ankit found the NCHMCT JEE paper easy and he said that there were only one or two questions which were tricky. According to him there were too many questions from English. Ankit was of the view that COVID 19 pandemic gave him more time to preparre for the exam.
Bhawya also found the paper easy and he did not face any technical problem while answering the questions.
Meanwhile, Yash found the paper moderately difficult but he is hoping to score full marks.
Divesh Yadava's preparation was not good but he found the question paper easy. Meanwhile, Divesh found the reasoning section difficult.
The NCJMCT JEE 2020 exam has concluded. Most of the candidates found the questions easy. Some of the candidates found the maths section a bit tricky. Overall the candidates gave a thumbs up to the arrangements that were made at the test centre of NCHMCT JEE keeping in mind the safety of the candidates. there was thermal checking of the temperature and gloves were also provided to the candidates.
Candidates coming out of the test centre of NCHMCT JEE
Candidates leaving the test center after appearing for the NCHMCT JEE 2020 exam
The NCHMCT JEE 2020 exam is now being conducted at different test centres across the country. The exam began at 3:00 p.m amidst the COVID 19 pandemic. Most of the candidates were seen taking all the precautions as they appeared for the entrance exam. As instructed, candidates had arrived wearing masks. Social distancing was being maintained at the test centre and there was also arrangement for proper sanitisation
At the test centre, parents were seen waiting under the tree as they left their wards to appear for the exam. One of the candidates was seen running back as he had forgotten something. While speaking to some of the candidates it was found that due to the pandemic they got more time to prepare for the exam.
Nikhil prepared for the NCHMCT JEE 2020 exam by taking online classes. Meanwhile, Anmol stated, "I am appearing for the NCHMCT JEE 2020 exam as this is my second option and I am appearing for other exams also." Nikhil is also preparing for DU JAT and he believes that he could not go to the coaching for preparing for exam and he did not find the online classes very effective.
Candidates have started arriving at the test centre of NCHMCT JEE 2020 well ahead of the scheduled time of the exam in order to avoid overcrowding. Most of the candidates are seen wearing masks and taking all the necessary precautions as they proceed to appear for the NCHMCT JEE exam. Currently, the test centre wore a deserted look as the candidates are streaming their towards the exam centre of NCHMCT JEE.
Deserted look of the NCHMCT JEE exam centre 2020
Candidates wearing mask
Barricades outside the NCHMCT JEE 2020 exam centre
Candidates entering the NCHMCT JEE exam centre in a queue
For the convenience of the candidates, lab numbers will be displayed at the NCHMCT JEE exam 2020 centres. There will be barcode readers that will be placed at the entry point. It is here that the barcode of NCHMCT JEE admit card 2020 will be scanned and candidates will be told about the lab number.
Rough sheet will be kept on the desk of the candidates before the NCHM JEE 2020 exam begins. The objective is to ensure that the complete process is touch free and social distancing is maintained at the NCHMCT JEE test centre.
The foremost important tip is stay calm when you enter the examination hall. Leave behind all worries and start attempting the NCHM JEE exam 2020 with a positive frame of mind. Now read the instructions very carefully that are mentioned on the question paper of NCHMCT JEE 2020. Do not be callous by skipping the instructions. It may happen that there are some additional points which you didn't know beforehand, and obviously you don't want to skip. Start solving the section or the questions you are strong in. This helps in maintaining self confidence during the course of NCHMCT JEE exam. Keep the negative marking factor in mind and leave the question you do not know. Do not freely give away your marks to the checking authorities by marking blindly. In the end, spare few minutes so that you can revisit the questions you marked for review.
The National Testing Agency (NTA) has sent an SMS to all the candidates who will be appearing for the NCHMCT JEE 2020 exam to drop their wards as far as possible from the exam centre so as to avoid overcrowding. In the SMS sent, NTA has sought cooperation from the parents and have asked them to also pick their wards after the exam from the place where they had dropped them. Also candidates have been asked to reach the exam venue as per the time that has been mentioned on the NCHMCT JEE admit card 2020.
With an aim to crack the NCHMCT JEE 2020 exam without any difficulty, candidates are required to follow the following tips while answering the questions so that they can score well:
National Testing Agency (NTA) has categorically stated in the guidelines for the NCHMCT JEE exam 2020 that the candidates will not be allowed to carry with them any electronic gadgets such as mobile phone, calculators, pagers, smart watch. Also they would not be permitted to carry with them any notebook or paper as the same will be provided at NCHM JEE test centre.
It is essential to reach the test centre at least two hours before the commencement of the NCHM JEE exam. This step has been initiated so as to avoid any last minute rush and overcrowding at the test centre of NCHM JEE. NTA has mentioned in the NCHM JEE admit card that candidates must maintain a distance of at least six feet all the time. Late comers will not be allowed to enter the NCHM JEE 2020 exam centre.
With just a few hours left for the NCHMCT JEE 2020 exam, the National Testing Agency has also taken steps to ensure that the exam is conducted in free and fair manner. With an aim to prevent the use of any UFM by the examinee who is appearing for NCHM JEE exam, new masks will be provided at the test centre. Candidates will have to remove the mask that they would be wearing at the test centre and a fresh mask will be given to them at the test centre which they will have to wear.
In order to ensure the individual safety, candidates must carry with them the following necessary items as they appear for the NCHM JEE 2020 exam:
The National Testing Agency (NTA) has made proper arrangements at the NCHMCT JEE 2020 test centre due to the prevailing COVID 19 situation. Before and after the conclusion of the NCHMCT JEE 2020 exam, the complete area will be thoroughly sanitised. Each and every thing such as the door handles, lift buttons staircases, wheelchairs will be disinfected
There will be adequate gap that would be maintained between the two seats and it will be in accordance with the guidelines which have been laid down by the government of India.
Moreover hand sanitizer will be provided at the entry as well as different places inside the test centre of MCHMCT JEE 2020
Those who will appear for the NCHMCT JEE 2020 exam which will be held later in the day today, they must ensure that along with the NCHM JEE admit card they carry any one of the following valid identity proof that are mentioned below:
PAN card
Driving License
Voter ID
Aadhaar Card (With photograph)
Card/Student ID
Candidates must download the NCHM JEE 2020 admit card before they proceed to appear for the NCHM JEE exam. The online admit card of NCHM JEE 2020 was released on August 14. It must be noted that NCHM JEE admit card is one of the most important documents to be carried to the NCHMCT JEE exam centre without which candidates will not be allowed to appear for the exam. The NCHMCT JEE 2020 admit card can be downloaded from the official website of NCHMCT JEE. The admit card of NCHMCT JEE will contain all the information pertaining to the exam such as the exact address of the test centre, reporting time, name and roll number of the candidate and other guidelines which the candidate must follow during the exam.