NEET UG counselling 2022 likely from October 10; MCC asks PwD candidates to get disability certificate

NEET UG 2022 Counselling: MCC has issued the list of NEET disability certification centres for PwD candidates. Round 1 likely from October 10.


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NEET UG counselling 2022
NEET UG counselling 2022

Vagisha Kaushik | October 2, 2022 | 04:35 PM IST

NEW DELHI: The Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) has opened the portal for generation of online Persons with Disabilities (PwD) certificates for the National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET) UG counselling 2022. PwD candidates who have registered for NEET UG 2022 counselling can get their disability certificates from one of the designated NEET disability certification centres.

Hinting at the tentative NEET UG 2022 counselling date, MCC said that PwD candidates should get the disability certificate for availing reservation benefits before NEET UG counselling 2022 round 1 which is likely to begin from October 10.

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“Candidates who have registered themselves as PwD on NTA website and want to avail the benefit of PwD reservation should get the disability certificate issued from any one of the designated NEET Disability Certification Centre (as per list attached below) through online mode only before the start of round-1 of UG Counselling 2022 which is likely to start from October 10, 2022,” MCC’s official notification read.

Explaining the process of getting a PwD certificate, MCC said that candidates will have to undergo a physical examination at the designated disability centre by visiting the centre and getting their disability assessed and quantified. The centre authorities will generate the certificate online through the portal provided by MCC. It asked candidates to ensure that the PwD certificate is duly signed by the examining specialists.

NEET UG Counselling 2022: List of disability centres

Name of disability certification centre


Specialities Available for which disability certificate can be issued as per category of disabilities mentioned in disability certificate

Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjang Hospital (VMMC and SJH)

New Delhi

All Disablities as mentioned in disability certificate except visual disabilities category and intellectual disabilities and behavioural disabilities.

All India Institute of Physical

Medicine and Rehabilitation



For Locomotor Disability only

Institute of Post Graduate Medical

Education and Research (IPGMER)


All disabilities as mentioned in disability certificate

Madras Medical College (MMC)


All disabilities as mentioned in disability certificate

Grant Government Medical College, J J Hospital Compound

Mumbai, Maharashtra

All disabilities as mentioned in disability certificate

Goa Medical College


All disabilities as mentioned in the disability certificate except speech disability.

Government Medical College,




All disabilities as mentioned in disability certificate. Ophthalmology tests to be

conducted at regional institute of ophtalmology, Thiruvananthapuram

under GMC Thiruvananthapuram

SMS Medical College

Jaipur, Rajasthan

All disabilities as mentioned in disability certificate except:

1. Neurology- Genetic Testing

2. ENT- Speech and Language Disability Testing

Orthopaedics/ PMR- Gonitometer Adult. Plumb Line, Hand Dynomometer, Laser

Government Medical College and Hospital, Sector 32


All disabilities as mentioned in disability certificate

Government Medical College, Agartala, State Disability Board

Agartala, Tripura

All disabilities as mentioned in disability certificate

Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University

Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

All disabilities as mentioned in the disability certificate except intellectual disability.

Ali Yavar Jung National Institute of Speech and Hearing Disabilities, Bandra, Mumbai

Mumbai, Maharashtra

For hearing disabilities only

AIIMS, Nagpur

Nagpur, Maharashtra

All disabilities as mentioned in disability certificate

Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Medical Sciences and RML Hospital, New Delhi. (ABVIMS and RMLH)

New Delhi

All disabilities as mentioned in disability certificate except ENT

For Visual Disability: Candidates who use LVAs may bring their own LVAs

which can be checked.

Lady Hardinge Medical College and Associated Hospitals (LHMC)

New Delhi

All disabilities as mentioned in disability certificate

All India Institute of Speech and Hearing (AIISH), Mysuru

Mysuru, Karnataka

For Speech and Hearing Disabilities only

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