GMAC will open NMAT 2021 exam window tomorrow. Here are some of the exam day guidelines that one must follow on the NMAT exam day.
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Download EBookHimanshu Shekhar | October 13, 2021 | 04:51 PM IST
NEW DELHI- The Graduate Management Academic Council (GMAC) will conduct NMAT 2021 exam from October 14 to December 27. Candidates will have to carry their NMAT 2021 admit card along with one valid photo ID proof to the exam centre for hassle free entry or taking NMAT exam from home-proctored mode. It is mandatory to follow all the NMAT exam day instructions and guidelines laid down by GMAC at the examination centre.
Check here- 5 tips to crack NMAT 2021
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NMAT 2021 is a computer-based (online) mode. There will be a total of 108 questions in the NMAT exam. Candidates will get 120 minutes to solve the entire NMAT question paper. Questions will be asked from three sections namely- Language Skills (28 minutes sectional time limit), Quantitative Skills (52 minutes sectional time limit), and Logical Reasoning (40 minutes sectional time limit). The NMAT 2021 scorecard for each attempt will be available to download within three days of examination.
Section name | Number of questions | Sectional time limit | Score range |
Language Skills | 36 | 28 minutes | 12-120 |
Quantitative Skills | 36 | 52 minutes | 12-120 |
Logical Reasoning | 36 | 40 minutes | 12-120 |
Total | 108 | 120 minutes | 36-360 |
Each objective type question of NMAT 2021 exam carries 3 marks
There will be no negative marking for wrong answers
No mark will be given or deducted for unattempted questions
NMAT 2021 exam has a unique exam structure as compared to other MBA entrance exams. Check out the features and key highlights of NMAT 2021 exam.
Candidates can take NMAT 2021 test three times- one exam and two retakes to make NMAT score better
NMAT slot booking/ exam scheduling- Candidates can choose NMAT exam date, time, and location of the NMAT exam as per their preference and convenience
Candidates can choose the order of NMAT exam sections while writing the test. For example, candidates can opt for the Quantitative Skills section first followed by Language Skills, and Logical Reasoning.
Candidates can review their answers at the end of each section and reattempt if required.
Candidates must carry a printed copy of NMAT 2021 admit card to the test centre or produce the same while taking home-proctored test
Candidates are not allowed to carry any stationary items or personal belonging inside the NMAT examination hall
Electronic devices such as mobile phones, digital calculators, or smartwatches are not allowed in the NMAT examination centre
Candidates appearing for NMAT retake must have the same copy of the NMAT admit card corresponding to the NMAT exam
Before taking NMAT exam, candidates should check their internet connection is working properly or not
Candidates should be alone in the room while taking test
If candidates taking NMAT on computer system then make sure it should be connected to Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)
Webcams, speakers, and microphone should be throughout the exam
Two A4 blank sheet of paper and a pencil to be shown to the exam proctor before starting the test
Candidates should not leave the room before the completion of test
About NMAT 2021
Graduate Management Council (GMAC) annually conducts Narsee Monjee Aptitude Test, commonly known as NMAT to offer admission into postgraduate management programmes offered by some of the top management institutes.
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