NCERT Textbook: An NCERT panel has recommended changing the name from 'India' to 'Bharat' in NCERT books for social sciences.
The deceased, Roshan, had been suffering from a severe headache for the last few days and was being treated, the family said.
The western zone committee will hold a conference on National Education Policy 2020 implementation on October 26.
HP Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu 10 more digital libraries will be opened in various panchayats of Bilaspur district.
The new rules have been brought to allow only one hundred seats for every ten lakh population in each state,” AP Health Minister Vidadala Rajini said.
The ministry said students of 20 higher education institutes will visit 22 states and union territories of the country.
MP Elections 2023: Congress manifesto also promised to make school education free, give 100% exemption in exam fee for competitive exam aspirants.
A member of the Congress manifesto committee said modalities of free internet will be decided after talking to service providers.