SBI Clerk 2021 exam begins in 4 cites; candidates adhere to COVID 19 guidelines

The State Bank of India is now conducting the SBI Clerk exam in the 4 cities where it was postponed. Candidates at the exam centres of these 4 cities followed rules related to COVID 19 protocol.

SBI Clerk 2021 exam begins in 4 cites; candidates adhere to COVID 19 guidelines

Piyush Chaudhary | August 29, 2021 | 09:07 AM IST

NEW DELHI- The State Bank of India is conducting the SBI clerk exam at Shillong, Agartala, Aurangabad (Maharashtra) and Nashik Centres today and all the candidates were seen following the guidelines related to COVID 19 protocol. Those who arrived at the SBI clerk test centre and also those who accompanied them were seen wearing masks and following social distancing norms.

The SBI Clerk exam was conducted in other parts of India from July 10 to 13. However, the exam conducting body postponed the entrance test in the 4 cities. Later they announced the exam date and released the SBI clerk admit card on August 17.

SBI Clerk Exam Dates 2021 for 4 cities



SBI Clerk Admit Card release date

August 17, 2021

SBI Clerk Exam 2021

August 29, 2021

SBI Clerk Exam 2021 - Guidelines and instructions followed by candidates

  • All the candidates who are appearing for the SBI Clerk 2021 exam, they adhered to the guidelines and the instructions pertaining to COVID 19.
  • Most of the candidates arrived at the test centre of SBI Clerk well ahead of the scheduled time
  • Candidates were seen wearing masks as they got the thermal checking done
  • Those who arrived at the SBI clerk test centre they cooperated with the authorities while showing the admit card and also carried with them a valid photo identity card
  • Any candidate who had electronic gadget such as mobile phone, bluetooth, ear phone or any other such gadget was asked to leave it outside the test centre
  • The authorities at the SBI clerk test centre ensured that the candidates maintained proper social distancing as they made their way to the examination hall.

There were some candidates who were seen rushing as the gates were about to close. The authorities were accommodative to allow those whom they could see rushing towards the test centre. However, others who arrived at the test centre after the closure of the gate were not allowed to appear for the SBI clerk exam.

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