The board has issued subject-wise maximum marks for theory, practicals, and internal assessment, and other details for schools.
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NEW DELHI: The Central Board of Secondary Education has issued a list of Class 10, 12 subjects with marks distribution to help schools conduct practical exams smoothly. The board’s circular came after it noticed that schools are erring while uploading the internal marks.
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“It has been observed that schools are committing mistakes while uploading the marks in respect of practical/project/internal assessment. To aid and assist the schools in smooth conduct of practical/project/internal assessment and conduct of theory examinations, a list of subjects for Classes 10 and 12 containing the following details is attached with this circular,” said CBSE.
The details provided by the board include class, subject code, subject name, maximum marks for theory exam, maximum marks for practical exam, maximum marks for project assessment, maximum marks for internal assessment, whether external examiner will be appointed for assessment, whether practical answer-book will be provided, and type of answer books that will be used in theory exams.
CBSE added that maximum marks allotted to a subject is 100 with marks distributed amongst theory, practical, project, and internal assessment components.
“All may note for information and action to avoid any problems to the students at later stages,” the board further said.
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