Himachal Pradesh board announces Class 8, 10, 12 compartment exam 2023 dates; exams from September 4

Along with the HPBOSE 2023 compartment exam dates for the regular students, the board has also announced exam dates for open school students.

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HP board 2023 compartment exam dates announced (Pexels)HP board 2023 compartment exam dates announced (Pexels)

Mridusmita Deka | August 17, 2023 | 08:15 AM IST

NEW DELHI: The Himachal Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (HPBOSE) has announced the Class 8, Class 10 and Class 12 compartment, improvement and additional subjects exam dates for the 2023 exams. The Classes 8, 10 and 12 examinations will be held from September 4, 2023. While the Class 8 compartment, improvement and additional subjects exam will only be held for the state open school students, the Class 10 and Class 12 exams will be held for the regular and the state open school students.

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As per the HPBOSE 2023 compartment, improvement and additional subjects exam dates, the Himachal Pradesh board will conduct the Class 8 and Class 10 board exams from September 4 to September 13, the HPBOSE compartment exam 2023 Class 12 exams will be held between September 4 and September 22. The HPBOSE 2023 exams will be held at designated centres across the state.

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While the exams for the regular students will be held from 8:45 am to 12 noon, the open school students will have to take the exams in the afternoon shift - between 1:45 pm to 5 pm.

The students appearing for the HPBOSE Class 10 and Class 12 exams can check the detailed Himachal Pradesh date sheets on the official website of the board - hpbose.org. The hpbose.org 2023 is also hosting the Class 9 and Class 11 compartment, improvement and additional subjects exam date. The Class 9 and Class 11 compartment, improvement and additional subjects exams will be held on a single date on September 4.

HPBOSE 2023 Compartment, Improvement Datesheet: How to download

  • Go to the official website -- hpbose.org.

  • On the home page, click on the datesheet section under examination tab

  • Click on the designated HP board time table link

  • From the next window, check and download the HPBOSE 2023 compartment, improvement and additional subjects exam date sheet

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