Indian students studying in the Philippines can now practice medicine upon completion of MD

Indian students with MD degree from a recognised Philippine College of Medicine, along with a 12-month internship will be eligible to practice medicine in the Philippines.

Amendment to the Philippine Medical Act of 1959 was approved by the House of Representatives. (Representative image: Wikimedia Commons)Amendment to the Philippine Medical Act of 1959 was approved by the House of Representatives. (Representative image: Wikimedia Commons)

Anu Parthiban | May 23, 2024 | 05:27 PM IST

NEW DELHI: In a landmark education policy, the Philippines now allows Indian medical students pursuing MBBS in the country to register and practice medicine in the Philippines. The decision comes after the recent amendment to the Philippine Medical Act of 1959 approved by the House of Representatives allowing Indian students and other foreign students to practice medicine in the country.

The recent development in the medical field comes after several persistent requests from India, Transworld Educare, a leading provider of medical education abroad informed.

The Philippines is one of the top global destinations for medical education, especially for Indian medical aspirants due to factors such as the high quality of education, English as the medium of instruction, and affordable living costs.

According to the newly amended medical Act, Indian students who complete their Doctor in Medicine degree from a Philippine College of Medicine recognised by the Commission Higher Education (CHED), along with a 12-month internship will be eligible to practice medicine in the Philippines.

“The CHED will issue the necessary certification to facilitate this process, ensuring a smooth transition for Indian graduates,” the leading educational institution said.

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A landmark education policy

Welcoming the move, a former executive director of the Commission on Higher Education, Vitriolo hoped that the government’s executive branch will fully support the influx of foreign students, especially those looking at the Philippines as an education destination, the Daily Tribune, a broadsheet publication in the Philippines, reported.

Kadwin Pillai, director of Transworld Educare and chairman of Kings International Medical Academy, said: "This amendment is a landmark achievement, not only for Indian students but for all foreign medical students studying in the Philippines. It acknowledges the high standards of medical education in the Philippines and provides a clear pathway for our graduates to practice medicine either locally or internationally. This change will greatly benefit our students and strengthen the Philippines' position as a leading destination for medical education in the Asia-Pacific region."

Further, it said that the new regulations also align with the Indian Medical Commission's requirements for registration, allowing Indian graduates to practice medicine in India after obtaining their MD degrees from the Philippines.

The new provision is also believed to strengthen the educational-ties between India and Philippines. The professional prospects have enhanced as Indian students now have 64 duly recognised medical colleges across the Philippines.

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