JEE Main Result 2020 (OUT) LIVE Updates - Result, CutOff Declared, Toppers list


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Team Careers360 | September 12, 2020 | 12:41 AM IST

NEW DELHI: National Testing Agency (NTA) has declared the NTA JEE Main result 2020 at The JEE Main 2020 result latest news shows 24 candidates have scored 100 percentile in JEE Main 2020 result. The direct JEE Mains result link is on this page, stay updated to check the NTA JEE Main result, score card and JEE Main cutoff.

Latest: JEE Main result direct link. Also read More JEE main live updates, what after JEE result

JEE Main Result 2020 Highlights

  • NTA JEE Main Official Site -
  • JEE Result Date - September 11, 2020 (declared)
  • JEE Main Result Time - Declared after 10.30
  • JEE Mains Result Declaration Authority - National Testing Agency (NTA)
  • JEE Main September 2020 Result Status- Out . Link facing technical difficulties so not active
  • NTA JEE Main Login details- Date of birth and JEE Main Application No
  • JEE 2020 Result Declaration Mode - online
  • JEE Main Result format - PDF which can be downloaded by students
  • Alternate JEE Main Official site -
  • JEE Main 2020 Rank list by name released for 24 All India toppers (100 percentile ); state wise toppers JEE Main rank list, State wise female toppers JEE Main rank list pdf and Pwd topper list

The JEE Main login window has to be used to check the NTA JEE Main result. Students can download the JEE Mains scorecard, All India rank and merit list after the JEE Mains 2020 result declaration.

To get JEE Main result live update, stay tuned to this page. Keep updated with JEE Mains 2020 latest news; JEE Main toppers, JoSAA counselling and admissions.

Also, Read

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NTA JEE Main Result 2020 out now. Download JEE Mains result using steps given here. The JEE Main 2020 result link is given here. Stay tuned to this page to get the latest news about JEE Mains 2020

September 12, 2020 | 12:27 AM IST

JEE Main Result: Increase in qualifying cutoff

NTA has declared the qualifying cutoff of JEE Main 2020. Contrary to expectations, JEE Main cutoff has increased for the general category and decreased for the other categories as compared to the previous year. The qualifying cutoff will let the candidates know who are qualified for the JEE Advanced examination.

JEE Main 2020 Qualifying Cutoff

Common Rank List (CRL)90.3765335
Economically Weaker Section (EWS)70.2435518
Other Backward Class (OBC-NCL)72.8887969
Scheduled Caste (SC)50.1760245
Scheduled Tribe (ST)39.0696101
People with Disabilities (PwD)0.0618524

September 11, 2020 | 11:25 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Rank List - 8 Telangana students top with 100 percentile

NTA JEE Main 2020 results has been released by NTA. The JEE Main rank list pdf has also been released. The toppers who have scored 100 percentile in the JEE Main 2020 rank list by name are 24 in number.  The state wise details of the toppers can be checked below.

JEE Main 2020 result has the following statistics

Telangana has 8 toppers who have scored 100 percentile as per NTA JEE Main result

Delhi comes second with 5 students who scored 100 percentile as per their JEE results

Rajasthan has 4 students who have scored 100 percentile as per JEE Main 2020 result

Andhra Pradesh has 3 toppers who scored 100 percentile in their JEE Main result

Haryana has 2 toppers with 100 percentile in their JEE Main score card

Gujarat and Maharashtra have 1 student each scoring 100 percentile.

September 11, 2020 | 11:06 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result: Know the JEE Main toppers in PwD category

NTA JEE Main result declared also has the JEE  Main rank list by name for toppers in PwD category. The list of JEE Main toppers in PwD category are

JEE Main rank list PwD category

September 11, 2020 | 11:04 PM IST

NTA JEE Main 2020 result: Know State wise JEE Main Female Toppers

The JEE lastest news shows the list of female toppers in JEE Main 2020 Rank list pdf. The list can be seen below

JEE Main 2020 rank list female toppers

September 11, 2020 | 11:01 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020: Know state wise toppers

NTA JEE Main 2020 rank list by name of toppers (state wise) has been released. The list is as given below

JEE Main 2020 state topper list

September 11, 2020 | 11:01 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020: Know state wise toppers

NTA JEE Main 2020 rank list by name of toppers (state wise) has been released. The list is as given below

JEE Main 2020 state topper list

September 11, 2020 | 10:54 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result: Know the JEE main toppers for Paper 1

NTA has declared the JEE  main result 2020. It has given the list of 24 toppers who have scored 100 percentile in Paper 1 of JEE Main 2020

JEE Main 2020 Result- Know the Toppers

JEE Main 2020 topper list

September 11, 2020 | 10:33 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020- Admit Card Link Removed

The admit card display is now removed from the official website- JEE Main Result link will be active soon. Stay update for JEE Main result 2020 latest news

JEE main before result

September 11, 2020 | 10:31 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020- Anytime Soon

NTA officials mentioned that JEE Main result 2020 will be declared anytime soon. Also, the final answer keys are now available. Hence, it is confirmed that the JEE result 2020 to be available soon.

Click here to download the final NTA JEE Main 2020 answer key

September 11, 2020 | 10:29 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020- Final Answer Key Released

NTA has released the final JEE Mains 2020 Answer key. The final answer key is available on jeemain.nta.nic.inClick here

September 11, 2020 | 10:24 PM IST

JEE Mains Result Delayed

There is no information either on social media and on the official JEE Main website. Students are going mad about the NTA JEE Main Result. Why NTA has done so much delay in JEE Mains 2020 result declaration, there is no information about that.

September 11, 2020 | 10:20 PM IST

NTA JEE Main Result 2020; how to download rank list

The Ministry of Education has confirmed that the preparations for the JEE Main result declaration have started. JEE Main result format will consist of NTA percentile scores and All India Rank (AIR) of the candidate. 

The list of JEE Main topper 2020 who score 100 percentile will also be announced by NTA along with the state toppers. Candidates will have login using their required credentials.

The rank will be prepared by taking into consideration the higher score secured between this exam and JEE Main result 2020 January session. If only one exam was attempted, then that score will be taken by NTA authorities.

September 11, 2020 | 10:05 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020: Websites to Check Result

NTA JEE Mains result will be announced in online mode. will be Below is the list of websites where students can check the JEE result 2020-


September 11, 2020 | 10:04 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020: What’s next?

After the declaration of the JEE Mains result, students will be able to apply for JEE Advanced 2020. The registration will start from September 12. Students have to fill their marks and rank while doing the registration.

September 11, 2020 | 10:00 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020- Only Paper 1 result

Because JEE Advanced 2020 registration is starting tomorrow, NTA will only declare the JEE Main paper 1 result 2020 today. Paper 2 result will be declared a few days after the JEE Main result.

September 11, 2020 | 09:55 PM IST

JEE Mains Result 2020- When will the result be declared?

JEE Main 2020 result may be declared after 10 as there is no sign on the official website- result 2020. Many students may think that result will not be announced today but if we talk about the JEE mains result trends then there is possibility of JEE Mains 2020 result declaration.

September 11, 2020 | 09:45 PM IST

JEE Result 2020- Website Working Again but no JEE Main Result

It is like NTA is testing the patience of the students. After mentioning the tentative JEE Main 2020 result time twice, NTA has not announced the result. We advise students to be calm. They will announce the result of JEE Main 2020 September soon.

September 11, 2020 | 09:40 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- Official website down

NTA will soon release the JEE Main result 2020 for September as the official website is now working. The wait will soon be over. Stay updated with us. The direct JEE result link will be active soon.

September 11, 2020 | 09:28 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- How to check JEE result

Candidates have to visit the official website- and click on the ‘JEE Main September result 2020’ link. Enter your roll number and other details and submit the same. JEE Mains 2020 result will appear on the screen.

September 11, 2020 | 09:26 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020 Anytime Soon

The result of JEE Main 2020 will be released soon at, JEE result 2020 link will be updated soon

September 11, 2020 | 09:14 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020- Know when JEE Mains 2020 result will be declared

As per the JEE Main 2020 result latest updates, NTA will declare the JEE Mains 2020 result by 9.25 pm. The result will be announced in another 30 minutes. Stay connected to check NTA JEE Main result 2020 latest news

September 11, 2020 | 09:09 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- Know what is the difference this year?

This year, the JEE Main 2020 September attendance declined due to the COVID19 pandemic. Hence, there will be a lot of difference in the admission process and cut off marks.

Considering the low attendance in JEE Main September 2020 and slightly difficult exam, it is expected that the JEE Mains Result 2020 cut off marks will be a bit low than last year.

Two mock counseling sessions will not be held in JEE Mains 2020.

September 11, 2020 | 08:54 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020 - States Accepting JEE Scores

NTA JEE Main result 2020 will be declared shortly. Candidates will soon be able to apply for counselling through JoSAA and CSAB for 31, NITs, IIEST, 26 IIITs and 30 GFTIs. 

Many states also accept the JEE Main 2020 result. Below is the list of states

  • Bihar
  • Chandigarh
  • Delhi, 
  • Odisha,  
  • Punjab, 
  • Rajasthan
  • Uttarakhand
  • Haryana
  • Jharkhand
  • Madhya Pradesh

States partly accepting JEE Main 2020 result include Maharashtra which has 15% of seats in private colleges through JEE Main 2020.

September 11, 2020 | 08:46 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- which scores will be considered January or September?

Students who appeared for both sessions of JEE Main 2020 January and September the better or two will be considered to provide the JEE Main rank. Here ww will update JEE Main result latest news 2020, stay connected

September 11, 2020 | 08:43 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020- Where candidates can apply for admission?

Immediately after the JEE Mains result 2020 declaration, students should visit the JosAA website to apply for engineering admission. Candidates who are eligible for JEE Advanced 2020 should apply for the same from September 12 to 27, 2020

September 11, 2020 | 08:29 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020- Why it is important?

A total of  6.35 lakh students appeared for JEE Mains 2020. A maximum number of colleges or universities accept JEE Main scores. JEE Main 2020 is the highly preferred exam among engineering entrance exams. Because of this reason, JEE Main 2020 result is important for all students.

September 11, 2020 | 08:24 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020: Eligibility For Admission To NITs, IIITs and CFTIs

National Testing Agency will release the NTA JEE Main Result 2020 anytime soon at result 2020. Candidates who will qualify JEE Mains 2020 exam will be eligible to apply for admission into NITs, IIITs, and CFTIs. HRD minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ on July 23 has announced the relaxation in the JEE Main 2020 eligibility criteria for NITs and CFTIs. 

According to the relaxed eligibility criteria, to get admission into NITs and CFTIs, JEE Main qualified candidates are now just required to obtain a passing certificate in class 12th examinations irrespective of marks secured in JEE Main Result

September 11, 2020 | 08:15 PM IST

NTA JEE Main Result 2020 - Know JEE Mains cut off marks

NTA will announce the cut off along with the NTA JEE Main result 2020. Only those candidates who obtain the JEE Mains cut off 2020 become eligible for admission in NITs, IIITs, GFTIs. NTA JEE Main result 2020 cut off marks are the minimum marks required to qualify the exam. Also, candidates securing a score above JEE Main cut off 2020 percentile and ranks in top 2,50,000 of the common merit list (CRL) will go for appearing in JEE Advanced.

September 11, 2020 | 08:01 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- What is JEE Main Percentile Score? 

NTA score provides percentile indicates the percentage of candidates that have scored EQUAL TO OR BELOW (same or lower raw scores) that particular Percentile in that session. Therefore the topper who has the highest score of each session will get the same Percentile of 100 across all sessions. The marks obtained in between the highest and lowest scores are also converted to appropriate Percentiles known as NTA score in JEE Main. The rank card will contain JEE Mains scores in total and subject-wise

September 11, 2020 | 07:57 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020- Check helpline number and contact details

Students can contact the officials through below details to get more information on JEE Main 2020 result

Block C-20 1A/8 ,Sector- 62
IITK Outreach Centre, Gautam Buddh Nagar
Noida-201309, Uttar Pradesh (India)
Contact No. : 0120 6895200

September 11, 2020 | 07:54 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020 Time- when will JEE main result come?

JEE 2020 result is expected to declare by the late-night today. The expected JEE result time is 9 pm. Check past trends of JEE Mains 2020 result

YearAttemptJEE Main Result DateJEE Main Result Time
2020SeptemberSeptember 1110 am as per reports
JanuaryJanuary 1712 noon
2019AprilApril 296.19 PM
JanuaryJanuary 1911.30 AM
2018Paper 1April 306.00 PM
Paper 2April 30
2017Paper 1April 275.00 PM
Paper 2May 27 1 PM

NTA JEE Main result 2020 for both Paper 1 and 2 will be released on result 2020.

September 11, 2020 | 07:31 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- Why the delay?

NTA is supposed to announce the JEE Result 2020 today so that students can apply for JEE Advanced 2020. But NTA has not provided any details on why they delayed the JEE Main result 2020.

However, there is still time we expect that NTA JEE Main result 2020 will be declared late in the evening around 9 pm.

September 11, 2020 | 07:25 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- Universities Accepting the JEE Main Scores

Many leading and deemed to be universities also accept JEE Main result 2020 scores for admissions. Some of them are 

  • IIIT Hyderabad
  • IPU
  • Nirma University
  • Sastra University
  • TIET (Thapar University)
  • Amity University
  • SRM University
  • Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
  • ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education (IFHE), Hyderabad
  • Alliance University
  • B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology to name a few.

Candidates must apply separately to these universities using their NTA JEE Main result 2020 for admissions after the JEE Mains 2020 result declaration

September 11, 2020 | 07:15 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020- What is Rank List

NTA JEE Main Rank list contains All India rank and category rank obtained by students. After the JEE Main 2020 result, students will be able to access the JEE Main rank list pdf. National Testing Agency uses the All India ranks to create the Common Rank List which will be used to allocate seats through JoSAA.

September 11, 2020 | 06:45 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020- Know the format details

NTA will release the JEE 2020 result on in the specified JEE Main result format. The result format is PDF where students will be able to check the marks and ranks.

September 11, 2020 | 06:39 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020- How the ranks will be allotted?

NTA will also release the rank details of the candidates who appeared for the exam in January and September along with JEE Mains result 2020 declaration. There will be a separate All India rank list and category-wise JEE Main rank list. The big question is how are these ranks allotted in JEE Main 2020 result considering that there will be many 100 percentilers in each exam - January, and September 2020.

An NTA score of 100 percentile is given to students who have scored the highest in their exam shift - January and September. So these students are allotted JEE Main 2020 ranks (ALl India ranks) on the basis of the inter-se-merit guidelines given by NTA

September 11, 2020 | 06:34 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- What to do if not happy with JEE scores?

In case students fail to secure a good rank in JEE Main result 2020, he/she is suggested to check the list of alternative exams that they can take. Alongside, students can again appear in the JEE Main, which will tentatively be held in January 2021.

September 11, 2020 | 06:15 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- Know about DASA

NTA announced earlier that the Admission for DASA will be made based on the Rank obtained in JEE (Main) from the Academic Session 2021-22. NTA will prepare a separate JEE Main 2020 merit list for Admission under DASA category

September 11, 2020 | 06:09 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- Students are waiting

JEE Main 2020 candidates are eagerly waiting for the JEE Mains 2020 result. But there is no clue of official information on the same. Twitter is flooded with memes where candidates are sharing their concerns.

September 11, 2020 | 06:04 PM IST

JEE Main Result Time- When will JEE 2020 result be declared?

Students are now searching for information on when will JEE Main 2020 result come. The expected JEE Main 2020 result time was 5 pm but the officials delayed the NTA JEE result 2020. Students are suggested to not panic. We will update the JEE result time as soon we get update on the same.

September 11, 2020 | 06:00 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- Top non- IIT engineering college of India

  • Anna University- Rank 14
  • Vellore Institute of Technology- Rank 15
  • Jadavpur University- Rank 17

September 11, 2020 | 05:55 PM IST

JEE Main Result- January 2020 Toppers

In the JEE Main 2020 result of January session, Nishant Agarwal from Delhi NCT and Divyanshu Agarwal from Haryana secured rank 1 and 2. A total of 9 students have scored 100 percentile in the JEE main 2020 January exam.

September 11, 2020 | 05:48 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- Login credentials required

To check the JEE Main 2020 result,, candidates need to enter the application number and password/ date of birth on the JEE Main 2020 September result window. Candidates who appeared in only in January exam can sign-in with JEE (Main) January 2020 credentials to check the JEE Mains results 2020

September 11, 2020 | 05:07 PM IST

NTA JEE Main Result 2020 Delayed

NTA has further delayed the JEE Main 2020 result. There is no announcement on the official website. Considering the eagerness of the students, we are trying to connect the officials. Hence, students should stay in touch with this JEE Main result latest news and updates

September 11, 2020 | 05:03 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- Counselling dates released

JoSAA has released the counselling dates. After the declaration of JEE Main result 2020, candidates will be able to fill their choices as counselling process from October 6. JEE Main 2020 seat allottment will be held in six rounds without the two mock rounds

JEE Main 2020 special round of counselling will be conducted by CSAB (Central Seat Allocation Board) for the 31 NITs, IIEST, 26 IIITs and 30 GFTIs on the basis of the NTA JEE Mains result 2020.

September 11, 2020 | 04:55 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- 5 minutes to go

Students are advised to stay calm as the official website may slow down at the time of JEE Main result declaration. The JEE result 2020 link will be activated in 5 minutes now.

September 11, 2020 | 04:51 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020- Details Available

NTA will release the JEE Main 2020 result in a short time which will contain the below-given information. Candidates should verify all the details available on the scorecard and immediately contact the officials in case of any discrepancies.

  • Candidate's Name
  • JEE Main 2020 Application Number
  • Roll Number
  • JEE Main Rank
  • JEE Main 2020 scores
  • Category
  • State of Eligibility
  • Subject-wise scores
  • Gender
  • Cut off marks

September 11, 2020 | 04:43 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- Normalised scores

NTA will calculate the JEE Main 2020 scores after normalising the marks of all sessions. Refer the below image to know the formulae that will be used to deduce the normalised scores

September 11, 2020 | 04:37 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- How to check JEE results?

Candidates should follow the below-given steps to check the JEE Main result 2020

  • Step 1- Visit the JEE Main Official site- result 2020
  • Step 2- Click on " JEE Main 2020 result (September)"
  • Step 3- A new page will appear on the screen.
  • Step 4- Enter application number and password
  • Step 5- Click on "Submit"

September 11, 2020 | 04:31 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- How scorecard will look like

Candidates will be able to download the scorecard after the release of JEE 2020 results. The official NTA JEE Main result 2020 will contain candidates score, rank along with their personal details.

JEE Main 2020 Scorecard Image

September 11, 2020 | 04:27 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020- 20 Minutes to go

NTA will release the result any moment now. Students are advised to stay connected with us to access the direct link of the JEE Main 2020 result for September exam. We will update the direct JEE result link immediately after the NTA JEE 2020 result

September 11, 2020 | 04:21 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- What will be released with results?

Along with the  NTA JEE Mains result 2020, candidates will also be able to check their All India rank and the category rank. Besides, NTA will also release the list of toppers.

A separate list of JEE Main toppers who scored 100 percentile and state-wise toppers will also be released along with the JEE Main result 2020

September 11, 2020 | 04:18 PM IST

JEE Main Result by Name- Check how to get the JEE Main rank list

Candidates will also search for the JEE Main rank list name-wise however, NTA will not release JEE rank list or provision to check JEE Mains result by name. Hence, students are advised to keep the admit card handy to check the NTA JEE Main 2020 Result.

September 11, 2020 | 04:15 PM IST

JEE Mains 2020 Result- 40 Minutes left

As per the latest reports, NTA confirmed that the JEE Main result 2020 will be declared by 5 pm. Students are suggested to keep vising the page and be ready with their admit card to check the NTA JEE Main results 2020.

September 11, 2020 | 04:11 PM IST

NTA JEE Main 2020 Result Website

Below is the list of websites where students can check the result of JEE Main 2020 September exam

September 11, 2020 | 04:01 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- Marks vs Ranks

Based on the scores obtained in the JEE Main result 2020, candidates will receive a rank that will be helpful in getting admissions in the top engineering colleges. Below is the JEE Main 2020 marks vs rank

JEE Marks vs Ranks

161 - 1706706 - 5240
171 - 1805003 - 3932
181 - 1903709 - 2869
191 - 2002664 - 2004
201 - 2101888 - 1426
211 - 2201367 - 979
221 - 230911 - 655
231 - 240599 - 402
241 - 250367 - 230
250 - 262210 - 103
263 - 27083 - 55
271 - 28049 - 24

September 11, 2020 | 03:57 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020- Marks vs Percentile

Candidates can check what percentile they will get as per their scores. Below is the JEE Main 2020 Scores vs percentile

JEE Main 2020 Marks Vs Percentile

111 - 12097.1429377776765 - 97.6856721385145
121 - 13097.8112608696124 - 98.2541321080562
131 - 14098.3174149345299 - 98.6669358629096
141 - 15098.7323896268267 - 98.9902969950969
151 - 16099.0286140409721 - 99.2397377073381
161 - 17099.272084675244 - 99.4312143898418
171 - 18099.4569399985455 - 99.573193698637
181 - 19099.5973996511304 - 99.6885790237511
191 - 20099.7108311325455 - 99.7824720681761
201 - 21099.7950635053476 - 99.845212160289
211 - 22099.8516164257469 - 99.8937326121479
221 - 23099.9011137994553 - 99.9289017987302
231 - 24099.9349804235716 - 99.9563641573886
241 - 25099.9601632979145 - 99.9750342194015
250 - 26299.9772051568448 - 99.9888196721667
263 - 27099.9909906096101 - 99.9940299220308
271 - 28099.9946812032638 - 99.997394875068

September 11, 2020 | 03:50 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result: Where can you apply for admissions?

JoSAA 2020 website is now live. This year there are 111 institutes that will be participating in counselling out of which 88 institutes will be on the basis of the JEE Mains result 2020 and score card. the remaining are the 23 IITs which will take admissions through JEE Advanced 2020.

Apart from the 31 NITs, 30 GFTIs and 26 IIITs, you can apply for many deemed to be universities that consider the NTA JEE result scores for admissions. Many states also use the JEE Main result 2020 for admissions. Applications for all are separate and candidates should check before applying.

September 11, 2020 | 03:17 PM IST

JEE Mains 2020- Top NITs engineering institutes as per NIRF

As per the NIRF Ranking, below is the top NITs aking with their rank

Rank 9 - NIT Tiruchirappalli
Rank 13- NIT Karnataka
Rank 16- NIT Rourkela
Rank 19- NIT Warangal

September 11, 2020 | 03:05 PM IST

JEE Main 2020- Top engineering institutes as per NIRF

MHRD released the NIRF 2020 ranking where the top 3 positions were secured by IITs. IIT-Madras got the Rank 1. 

Rank 1: IIT-Madras
Rank 2: IIT-Delhi
Rank 3: IIT-Bombay

Rank 4: IIT Kanpur
Rank 5- IIT Kharagpur

September 11, 2020 | 02:03 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- Tie- breaking process

Based on the marks obtained in NTA JEE Mains 2020 result, age limit and more, NTA will provide a rank to candidates.

  • The preference is given to students who secure more marks in Mathematics, followed by Physics and then Chemistry.
  • Then, candidates having less negative responses will get a lower rank.  
  • Still the tie remains, then candidate's age will be considered to award a rank

September 11, 2020 | 12:52 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- How to download scorecard on mobile phone?

NTA will only release the result on the JEE Main official site- Candidates have to open the website on the mobile of click the above link, which will be updated soon on this page, and enter the JEE Main login credentials- application number and password/ date of birth. Click on 'submit' tab to download JEE Mains scorecard on mobile phone.

September 11, 2020 | 11:48 AM IST

JEE Mains Result 2020 January cut off

NTA will release the JEE Mains result 2020 January cut off marks along with the JEE Mains 2020 result declaration. Check the expected JEE Main 2020 cut off

  • Common Rank List- 89.75
  • OBC-NCL- 74.31
  • SC- 54.01
  • ST- 44.33

September 11, 2020 | 11:33 AM IST

JEE Main Result : New eligibility norms for NITs, IIIT admissions

Education minister Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank' had tweeted about relaxed eligibility criteria for NIT, IIIT admissions. Check below

September 11, 2020 | 11:25 AM IST

JEE Result 2020- How result window will look like?

NTA JEE Mains result 2020 link will be available on JEE Main official site- or On clicking that link, JEE Result 2020 window will appear on the screen

JEE 2020 Result Login Image

September 11, 2020 | 10:38 AM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result: Qualified candidates to appear for JEE Advanced

IIT Bombay will be starting the registration process for JEE Advanced 2020 from tomorrow i.e., September 12. After checking the result at, the qualified candidates will have to register for JEE Advanced, if they wish for admissions into IITs.  Only the top 2,50,000 JEE Main rank holders will be eligible to apply for JEE Advanced.

September 11, 2020 | 08:01 AM IST

Where to check the JEE Main 2020 result?

As soon as the JEE result declaration is done, candidates can use to check their NTA JEE Main result. They can also check their results at the NTA resuts portal. All the results of NTA conducted exams including the JEE Main result links are given there. The NTA results website is

It has to be remembered that JEE Main login will be the same for both the JEE Main result portals.

September 11, 2020 | 05:38 AM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- Details mentioned in Score Card

Candidates can download their scorecard after the JEE Mains 2020 result declaration. NTA will also release the JEE Main rank list pdf (toppers), All india ranks and JEE Main cutoff with the NTA JEE Main result.

NTA JEE Main scorecard 2020 details are as follows

  • Personal details of candidates - Name, Gender, Category, Nationality, Date of birth
  • JEE Main 2020 details - Roll No, Application No
  • NTA JEE Main result details - NTA Scores for each subject (Paper 1 and 2), All India rank, Category rank  and JEE Main cutoff to appear for JEE Advanced 2020.

Note: NTA will use the best of the two scores for JEE Main result and rank list. These NTA scores will be mentioned in the JEE Mains results 2020.

Other details given with JEE Main result declaration are the toppers who have score 100 percentile (both January /Septmeber), state wise toppers. The common merit list or the JEE Main rank list by name pdf will not be officially released. Instead it will be used for admission purposes in JoSAA. 

September 11, 2020 | 04:54 AM IST

JEE Mains 2020 Result- Registration details given by Education Minister

NTA has released the JEE Mains 2020 statistics for September session. Due to the COVID19 pandemic, this year, the attendance was approx 80% which is lowest in many years. This has been confirmed by the Education Minister in his tweet.

Statistics of JEE Main 2020 Exam Attendance (September session)

Exam Date


Shift -1

Shift -2


September 3 (for B.Tech/ B.E)

Registered candidates




Candidates appeared




September 2 (for B.Tech/ B.E)

Registered candidates




Candidates appeared




September 1 (for B.Arch/ B.Plan)

Registered candidates




Candidates appeared




A look at the figures announced by Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ' Nishak'

Total JEE Main 2020 registrations (September) as per Education MinisterJEE-Main-registration-numbers

A look at the Paper wise JEE main 2020 September Registration details

JEE-Main registrations- Sept

September 10, 2020 | 07:36 PM IST

JEE Main Result 2020- JoSAA Website is Live Now

Students who appeared for JEE Main 2020 can now check the complete counselling schedule on the JoSAA website. The choice filling will start from October 6, 2020. Below is the JEE Main 2020 counselling schedule 

Click Here to access the website

September 10, 2020 | 05:29 PM IST

JEE Mains Result- How many seats are there in IITs and NITs?

The final JEE Main 2020 seat matrix will be released after the announcement of IIT JEE result. Students will be able to check the number of seats available in IITs, NITs and GFITs. Refer to given table to check last year's seat matrix

JEE Main 2020 seat matrix

Institute name

Total no. of seats

Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs)


National Institutes of Technology (NITs)


Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs)


Government-funded Technical Institutes (GFTIs)


September 10, 2020 | 05:05 PM IST

JEE Result 2020- What will be the cut off marks?

Along with the NTA JEE Mains results 2020, the exam conducting will release the final JEE Main 2020 cutoff. Below are the expected category wise JEE 2020 cut off scores released by Sri Chaitanya

JEE Main 2020 Expected Cut off

  • Common Rank List- 89.75
  • OBC-NCL- 74.31
  • SC- 54.01
  • ST- 44.33

September 10, 2020 | 04:02 PM IST

JEE Main Result Update- Know the attendance stats

Kapil Sibal has tweeted the statistics before COVID19 and after COVID19 of JEE Main 2020 attendance and shared "Dreams of many young minds shattered"

September 10, 2020 | 01:18 PM IST

How to read JEE Main result

Once the JEE Main result declaration is announced and candidates login, they can see that the NTA JEE Main result 2020 contains many details. While it is known that  pdf will be the JEE Main result by name with personal details, the information that is important will be the NTA percentile scores (total, Maths, Physics and Chemistry) and All India ranks declared by NTA. Additional information will be the JEE Main cutoff which will be used to screen all applicants for their eligibility to appear in JEE Advanced 2020. 

September 10, 2020 | 05:37 AM IST

NTA JEE Main 2020: Registered candidates are 858273 or 953473?

The NTA figures for the number of JEE Main registered candidates are different as per the notices issued by the agency. While the August notice dated 17 puts the number of JEE Main registered candidates as 8,58,273, the JEE Main latest notice before the exam dated August 25 pens the number to 9,53,473 attempting the exam in 660 centres.

Adding to the confusion is the tweet by the minister of education which also confirms the JEE Main 2020 September registrations as 8.58 lakhs. The big question is which of the NTA notices gives the correct figures.

Check the first notice (August 17) here while the latest (August 25) is here

September 10, 2020 | 05:26 AM IST

JEE Main 2020: 2,23,273 candidates missed exam says Minister of Education

The latest JEE Main news is that about 2,23,273 candidates did not appear for the exam in September out of the total 8,58,273 candidates registered. These facts have been released by the Minister of Education, Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank' in his latest tweet on JEE Main. 

The figures given by the minister are as per the NTA notice dated August 17, 2020. The registration as per the notice details are


Course Description

No. of Candidates


B.E./B.Tech. Only



B. Arch. Only



B. Planning Only



B.E./B.Tech. and B.Arch Both



B.E./B.Tech and B.Planning Both



B.Arch. and B.Planning Both



B.E./B.Tech., B.Arch. and B.Planning All




September 10, 2020 | 05:14 AM IST

JEE Main Answer Key 2020: NTA to close objection window at 10 am today

The provisional official JEE Main 2020 answer key was released by NTA on September 8 through the candidate's JEE Main login. The candidate's JEE Main response sheet had been clubbed in with the JEE Mains question paper 2020.  

NTA had given candidates a chance till September 10 (10 am) to raise any objections to the JEE Main answer key. Post this date, objections will be closed to the JEE Main answer key 2020 by NTA.

September 10, 2020 | 04:45 AM IST

What is NTA score in JEE Main?

NTA JEE Mains result 2020 does not have marks but percentile scores. As per NTA's normaization process, "Percentile scores are  based on the relative performance of all candidates who have appeared for JEE Main examination. The marks obtained by such students are transformed into a scale ranging from 100 to 0 for each session of examinees. Each session will get the same Percentile of 100."

September 9, 2020 | 09:54 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result Declaration - how to check scores?

NTA JEE Main result 2020 is all about the scores, All India and Category rank as well as JEE Main cut off. After the release of the JEE Main 2020 result by name, candidates can follow the given steps to know their scores.

How to check NTA JEE Main 2020 Result?

  1. For the result 2020, candidates must use the JEE Main login.
  2. Alternately they can also check JEE Main 2020 result at the official website
  3. They must click on the link for the JEE result
  4. The JEE Main login will open and the application number and date or birth/password must be entered.
  5. NTA JEE Main 2020 result by name of the candidate will be displayed.

Candidates can download their JEE Main 2020 September result in pdf format.

September 9, 2020 | 07:13 PM IST

JEE Result 2020- Answer Key objection details

NTA released the JEE Main 2020 answer Key on September 8 at Candidates will be able to challenge the answer key till September 10 (upto 10 am). To challenge the same, candidates need to pay the fee of Rs.200/- as processing fee for each answer. Candidates can pay the fee in online mode through Debit/Credit Card/Net Banking till September 10, upto 05.00 PM.

September 9, 2020 | 05:31 PM IST

JEE Main 2020 Result- What after result?

After the JEE Mains 2020 result declaration, the top 2,50,000 candidates will be called to apply for JEE Advanced. Registrations for the same will start from September 12, 2020. Besides, all JEE Main qualifiers will be able to apply for JoSAA counselling to get admission in engineering colleges. The colleges will be allotted based on the scores and rank obtained in NTA JEE Main result 2020


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