NTSE stage II result 2020 likely to be declared by July 10; Final answer keys released

NCERT stage 2 result 2020 is expected to be out by July 10. The OMR sheets and the final scoring keys are available on the official website.


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Saumya.Srivastava | June 16, 2021 | 12:15 PM IST

NEW DELHI: The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has released an official notification saying that the work related to result processing is in progress despite the prevailing COVID-19 situation.

NCERT has intimated that the results for the NTSE stage 2 examination conducted on February 14, 2021, is expected to be out by July 10, 2021.
Click here to download the NTSE stage 2 answer key 2020 for MAT.
Click here to get access to the NTSE stage 2 2020 answer key for SAT.

The notification says, “Candidates will be able to check their OMR sheets along with final scoring keys on the NCERT website by June 15, 2021. Final results are expected to be declared by July 10.”

Earlier, NCERT postponed the NTSE stage 2 exams 2021 due to the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown enforced in the states and UTs. NTSE exam 2021 for stage 2 was all set to be conducted on June 13, 2021, which now stands postponed.

The revised dates of the NTSE stage 2 exam will be announced by NCERT through the official website once the COVID-19 situation normalizes in the country and is conducive for conducting stage 2 of NTSE 2021.

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