Tamil Nadu CM slammed the “recurring practice for the Union Government to announce major exams on Tamil cultural festival days, only to reschedule them following state intervention”.
Anu Parthiban | January 14, 2025 | 02:34 PM IST
NEW DELHI: Tamil Nadu chief minister MK Stalin has called the postponement of the UGC National Eligibility Test (UGC NET) a ‘rightful decision’ and expressed his disappointment over the recurring practice of scheduling major exams on festival days.
After several requests, the UGC NET exam scheduled on January 15 has been postponed in view of Pongal, Makar Sankranti and other festivals. The National Testing Agency (NTA), conducts the UGC NET exam 2024 for awarding Junior Research Fellowship (JRF), determining eligibility for assistant professor posts, and PhD admissions.
The NTA earlier scheduled the exams for 17 subjects on January 15. The new date for these subjects will be announced later, Rajesh Kumar, director (exams) of NTA, had said. It also clarified that the UGC NET Dec exam slated on January 16 will be conducted as per the schedule.
Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin had written to Union education minister Dharmendra Pradhan requesting for postponement of the exam. DMK MP Kanimozhi and Congress MP Jothimani have also written letters to Pradhan alleging that the Union government has been insensitive towards the culture of Tamils.
“It is a rightful decision that the exams have now been postponed!,” however, CM Stalin said: “It has become a recurring practice for the Union Government to announce major exams on Tamil cultural festival days, only to reschedule them following state intervention.”
Also read UGC NET mandatory for assistant professor jobs: Jagadesh Kumar clarifies on rules
“Let us hope that, moving forward, every institution in this country respects its rich diversity and considers the sentiments of all its people when making decisions,” he said.
“Why did @DG_NTA schedule the UGC NET exam on Jan 15, 2025, knowing it coincides with festival holidays? Postponing it just 2 days before the exam is highly irresponsible. Couldn’t this have been planned better? Students deserve respect and proper scheduling!” a X user said.
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