CBSE Class 12 Political Science exam tomorrow, key points

The Class 12 Political Science paper will begin at 10:30 am and get over at 1:30 pm. Students will get additional 15 minutes to read the question paper.

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CBSE Class 12 Political Science exam (source: shutterstock)

Adarsh Srivastava | March 19, 2023 | 06:15 PM IST

NEW DELHI: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will conduct the Class 12 board exam for Political Science paper tomorrow, March 20. The Class 12 Political Science paper will begin at 10:30 am tomorrow and get over at 1:30 pm. Students will be allotted additional 15 minutes to read and understand the question paper.

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Students must reach the examination centre at least 30 to 45 minutes before the reporting time mentioned in Class 12 CBSE admit card 2023 to avoid last minute rush. The examination centre gates will close at 10 am.

Students appearing for the CBSE board class 12th exams 2023 will be required to carry CBSE admit cards and school id cards. As per the CBSE guidelines, regular students must wear school uniforms while appearing for the board exams. Students are allowed to carry only permissible stationery items to the examination centre.

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The CBSE 12th Political Science question paper will carry 30 questions divided into five sections. The first twelve questions in CBSE 12th Political Science paper will be objective-type questions of one mark each. The next six questions (from 13 to 18) will be of two marks which candidates have to answer within 50 words.

The question numbers 19 to 23 will be of four marks each and the answers to these questions should not exceed 100 words. The fourth section of the Political Science question paper will include three passage, cartoon and map-based questions. While the last section of the question paper will include four long answer type questions which students can answer upto 170 words.

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