CBSE Class 10 Term 2 Exam: Social science syllabus has 10 chapters; list here

Social Science Term 2 Syllabus CBSE Class 10 2021-22: Chapters on nationalism, minerals and energy resources, political parties.


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Crack CBSE: Know the Class 10 social science syllabus 2021-22, 10 chapters from four units
Crack CBSE: Know the Class 10 social science syllabus 2021-22, 10 chapters from four units

Abhiraj P | December 18, 2021 | 09:54 PM IST

NEW DELHI: As part of the Central Board of Secondary Examination’s (CBSE) social science syllabus for term 2 exams 2021-22, students will study four major units, India and the Contemporary World – II, Contemporary India – II, Democratic Politics – II and Economics.

The CBSE had revised the syllabus and the exam pattern of Class 10 for the academic year 2021-22. The Class 10 CBSE Board exam syllabus has been divided into two sections for the two terms with the syllabus divided almost equally for both.

The CBSE Term 2 examination will be held around March-April 2022. While the CBSE term 1 question paper had multiple-choice questions (MCQ), the CBSE term 2 question paper will be more subjective. “The paper will have questions of different formats with case-based and situation-based, open-ended, short answer and long-answer type question paper”, says the official curriculum document on the board's website. The Term 2 exam duration will be 2 hours and will be conducted at the examination centres fixed by the board.

A more detailed list of topics to be covered as part of Class 10 social science syllabus for the term 2 exams is given below.

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CBSE Term 2 Social Science: Examination, marking scheme



India and the Contemporary World – II


Contemporary India – II


Democratic Politics – II






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CBSE Term 2 Social Science: Examination chapters

Students will have to cover as many as 10 chapters from four units in the term 2 syllabus for Class 10 exams.

These are the units and chapters:

  • Unit-1 India and the Contemporary World 2: Nationalism in India, the making of a global world, the age of industrialization

  • Unit-2 Contemporary India 2: Minerals and energy resources, manufacturing industries, lifelines of the national economy

  • Unit-3 Democratic Politics 2: Political parties and outcomes of democracy

  • Unit-4 Economics: Money and credit and globalization and the Indian economy

An internal assessment of 20 marks will also be a part of the Class 10 marking scheme.

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