GATE 2023: IIT Kanpur announces 2 new paper combinations, 23 exam cities

GATE 2023 is diversified to include students from Arts and Commerce streams as well, for them to achieve better opportunities for higher studies.

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GATE 2023 registration and exam datesGATE 2023 registration and exam dates

Anu Parthiban | August 26, 2022 | 11:42 AM IST

Kanpur: The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur has announced two new paper combinations for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE 2023) and addition of 23 new exam cities for the conduct of exam. The IIT Kanpur will begin the GATE 2023 registration on August 30 on the official website,

With the addition of 23 new cities, the GATE 2023 will now be conducted in 219 cities across India.

“The decision has been taken keeping in view the convenience of students, especially from the rural belts. As the organizing institute this year, IIT Kanpur is aiming to reach out to as many students as possible from all the nooks and corners,” the institute said.

GATE 2023 paper combination

The GATE 2023 exam is a computer-based test (CBT) and will be conducted in 29 subject areas with the choice of selecting two papers in some subjects.

Along with the new cities, details on the two-paper combinations for GATE 2023 are also updated on the official website. There are 82 two-paper combinations available for GATE 2023 with the addition of some new paper combinations.

Some combinations of GATE 2022 are removed due to logistic, operational issues. Applicants can choose their preferred two- paper combinations from a wide range of interdisciplinary areas.

The examination will test the comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate subjects in engineering, sciences, humanities and social sciences. Candidates studying in the third or higher years of any undergraduate degree programme or those who have completed any government degree in engineering, technology, architecture, sciences, commerce, arts will be eligible to apply.

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"GATE is diversified to include students from Arts and Commerce streams as well, for them to achieve better opportunities for higher studies," the institute added.

The examination will be held on February 4, 5, 11 and 12, 2023 across eight zones. The GATE 2023 online application process starts from August 30, 2022, and the aspirants will be able to fill out regular applications till September 30, 2022, at

GATE 2023 exam cities increased

Last year, GATE 2022 was conducted across 206 cities, but 10 of the earlier cities have been dropped this year due to operational issues, while many new ones have been added, it said.

GATE 2023 will be jointly conducted by IIT Bombay , Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Roorkee and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore. The cities are distributed among these eight zones, while IIT Kanpur is the organizing institute.

It will be organized on behalf of the National Coordination Board-GATE (NCB) and the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India.

GATE 2023 will also be conducted in international cities of Dhaka (Bangladesh), Dubai (UAE), Kathmandu (Nepal), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Male (Maldives), Port Louis (Mauritius), Singapore (Singapore), and Thimphu (Bhutan). However, candidates from all other countries can write examination in any of the Indian examination cities as announced on GATE 2023 website.

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