Independence Day 2023: “Lifetime opportunity”, say teachers celebrating August 15 as special guests
Independence Day 2023: Ministry of Education invited 50 teachers from KVs and CBSE schools as special invitees for their contribution.
Vagisha Kaushik | August 15, 2023 | 01:44 PM IST
NEW DELHI : 50 school teachers have been invited as special guests in this year’s Independence Day celebration for their contribution and dedication to the world of education. India is celebrating 77th Independence Day 2023 today, August 15. As part of the invitation, these teachers from Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan are attending a two-day programme.
On day 1, August 14, the teachers were taken for a tour to the India Gate, the War Memorial and Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya. Today, the teachers participated in the Independence Day ceremony at the Red Fort, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi unfurled the Tricolor.
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Among the teachers invited for celebrations are some national awardee teachers including Rekha Mittapalli, Rajni Baliya, S Bharat Ratna, and DK Singh.
While most of the teachers felt proud, happy, excited, and honoured to be invited, some called it a "lifetime opportunity", a "mesmerizing" experience, and a good initiative to "respect nation shapers". Take a look at what these teachers had to say about being invited to the Independence Day 2023 celebrations.
About Rekha Mittapalli, the education ministry said in a tweet, “a National Awardee teacher from Kendriya Vidyalaya, Hyderabad, is one of the Special Invitees for this year's Independence Day Ceremony. It reminds us of the contributions of our teachers who are the architects of progress.”
Smt. Rekha Mittapalli, a National Awardee teacher from Kendriya Vidyalaya, Hyderabad, is one of the Special Invitees for this year's Independence Day Ceremony. It reminds us of the contributions of our teachers who are the architects of progress. #IDC2023 #SpecialGuestIDC …
— Ministry of Education (@EduMinOfIndia) August 14, 2023
AA Siddiqui, a KV teacher from Chhattisgarh has been invited at the Independence Day 2023 celebrations. The ministry tweeted, “Mr. A.A. Siddiqui, a teacher from Kendriya Vidyalaya, Chhattisgarh, a Special Invitee for this year's Independence Day Ceremony for his notable contribution to education. It reminds us of the profound impact educators have on shaping our nation's destiny.”
Mr. A.A. Siddiqui, a teacher from Kendriya Vidyalaya, Chhattisgarh, a Special Invitee for this year's Independence Day Ceremony for his notable contribution to education. It reminds us of the profound impact educators have on shaping our nation's destiny. #SpecialGuestIDC …
— Ministry of Education (@EduMinOfIndia) August 14, 2023
The ministry expressed honour to have S Bharat Ratna, a distinguished KV teacher at the celebrations.
Smt. S. Bharat Ratna, a National Awardee #KV teacher has been specially invited to the Independence Day Ceremony-2023 at Red Fort! Her dedication to education and passion for teaching make her an extraordinary inspiration for all. #IndependenceDay2023 #KVTeachers #SpecialGuestIDC
— Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (@KVS_HQ) August 14, 2023
Rajni Baliya from Jammu and Kashmir is also a national awardee teacher and has been invited for Independence Day 2023 celebrations.
Smt. Rajni Baliya is a National Awardee teacher from Jammu and Kashmir and a Special Invitee at the Independence Day Ceremony. The dedication of teachers like her paves the way for a brighter future. #SpecialGuestIDC #IDC2023 #IndependenceDay2023
— Ministry of Education (@EduMinOfIndia) August 14, 2023
“Shri D.K. Singh, a National Awardee teacher from Patna, Bihar, will be present as a Special Invitee for this year’s Independence Day Ceremony. His dedication as an educator lights the path to a brighter future for all,” MoE informed.
Shri D.K. Singh, a National Awardee teacher from Patna, Bihar, will be present as a Special Invitee for this year’s Independence Day Ceremony. His dedication as an educator lights the path to a brighter future for all. #SpecialGuestIDC #IDC2023 #IndependenceDay2023
— Ministry of Education (@EduMinOfIndia) August 14, 2023
Jainus Jacob, a KV teacher from Thrissur visited Pradhan Mantri Sangrahalaya as part of the celebrations and invitation.
Ms. Jainus Jacob, a PRT from #KV Thrissur, is in Delhi as special guest for #IndependenceDay . She visits #PradhanmantriSangrahalaya along with other invitee teachers and expresses her immense joy and pride to be a part of this momentous occasion. #KVS #SpecialGuestIDC
— Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (@KVS_HQ) August 14, 2023
Neeru Sangotra, another KV teacher, has been invited for her guidance to students to lighten their school bags and adopt cleanliness.
Listen to the inspiring story of Smt. Neeru Sangotra, a KVS primary school teacher, who guides her students to lighten their school bags and motivates them to adopt cleanliness. She is one of the Special Invitees to attend the Independence Day Ceremony this year. #SpecialGuestIDC
— Ministry of Education (@EduMinOfIndia) August 13, 2023
Another teacher, Jyoti Bery, expressed gratitude to the education ministry for giving the opportunity to be a part of the celebrations.
@mygovindia @EduMinOfIndia @cbseindia29 #SpecialGuestIDC
— Jyoti Bery (@JyotiBery) August 14, 2023
Heartfelt gratitude to Ministry of Education, CBSE for giving us teachers such a wonderful opportunity to be part of the great vision of honourable PM Sh.Narendra Modiji of Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat. Jai Hind??
Roopa Sethi said “Heartfelt Gratitude to honorable PM Modi Ji for inviting teachers as special guests and special thanks to Ministry of Education and CBSE for giving us a once in a lifetime opportunity to be the part of this celebration.”
@mygovindia @EduMinOfIndia @cbseindia29 #SpecialGuestIDC
— ROOPA SETHI (@sethi_roopa) August 14, 2023
Heartfelt Gratitude to honorable PM Modi Ji for inviting teachers as special guests and special thanks to Ministry of Education and CBSE for giving us a once in a lifetime opportunity to be the part of this celebration ?
Ashok Goel, a teacher, wrote, “It's a matter of great honour that Ministry of Education, CBSE has given the opportunity to teachers be a part of Independence day celebrations. In gratitude, I would like to thank MoE, CBSE and honourable PM Shri Narendra Modi ji for this.”
#specialguestIDC #specialguestIDC It's a matter of great honour that Ministry of Education, CBSE has given the opportunity to teachers be a part of Independence day celebrations. In gratitude, I would like to thank MoE, CBSE and honourable PM Shri Narendra Modi ji for this.
— ashok (@ashokgoel76) August 14, 2023
DVKG Tyagaraj, KV Waltair, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh shared his visit and tweeted, “a memorable journey to celebrate our Independence Day thanks to our dear and respected Prime Minister sri Narendra Modi Ji . We’re grateful to the Minister of Education, KVS, NCERT for giving us the great honour to attend IDC as special guests. Jai Hind”
#SpecialGuestIDC a memorable journey to celebrate our Independence Day thanks to our dear and respected Prime Minister sri Narendra Modi Ji . We’re grateful to the Minister of Education, KVS, NCERT for giving us the great honour to attend IDC as special guests. Jai Hind
— Dr. Tyagaraj Dwaram (@iamagoodfellow) August 14, 2023
Champa Singha, Assam said that she never dreamt of being invited as a special guest.
Smt Champa Singha, one of the #SpecialGuestIDC from #Assam says "I never dreamt, that one day, I'll be called as a special guest to attend the #IndependenceDay at the Red Fort New Delhi" "I'm proud to be a teacher" @PMOIndia @EduMinOfIndia @SpokespersonMoD @ranojpeguassam
— PIB in Assam (@PIB_Guwahati) August 12, 2023
“Rebecca Thomas of Kendriya Vidyalaya Chaurai, Division Jabalpur has expressed happiness over the invitation received to attend the Independence Day celebrations,” PIB in MP said in a tweet.
केंद्रीय विद्यालय चौरई, संभाग जबलपुर की श्रीमती रबेका थॉमस ने स्वतंत्रता दिवस समारोह में शामिल होने के लिए मिले आमंत्रण पर खुशी जाहिर की है। उन्होंने प्रधानमंत्री @narendramodi के प्रति अपना आभार प्रकट करते हुए कहा कि यह मेरे लिए विशेष गौरव का विषय है। #IDC2023 #SpecialGuestIDC
— PIB in MP (@PIBBhopal) August 11, 2023
Kavita Shah, another teacher visited the museum as part of day 1 celebrations. She said in a tweet, “Day 1 as a special guest. Visit to the Prime minister museum. revisited history today. India has progressed so much since 1947. Gratitude to CBSE and MOE for making me a part of this year IDC.”
Day 1 as a special guest. Visit to the Prime minister museum. revisited history today. India has progressed so much since 1947. Gratitude to CBSE and MOE for making me a part of this year IDC #specialguestIDC @cbseindia29 @EduMinOfIndia @sdg4all @ashokkp @y_sanjay
— Kavita Shah (@Kavita_hm) August 14, 2023
“Feeling great to pay tribute to bravehearts at National War Memorial & India Gate as a special invitee of Independence Day. Thank you,” said another teacher Shipra Srivastava.
Feeling great to pay tribute to bravehearts at National War Memorial & India Gate as a special invitee of Independence Day. Thank you @PMOIndia @narendramodi @EduMinOfIndia @cbseindia29 @ashokkp @y_sanjay @pntduggal @sdg4all #SpecialGuestIDC #Ahlconintl #DigitalTribute
— Shipra Srivastava (@Shipra_Srivastv) August 14, 2023
Feeling proud to be a teacher, Chandni Agarwal said, “It is truly mesmerizing and motivational to be part of special guests. Appreciate the initiative to respect Nation shapers.”
It is truly mesmerizing and motivational to be part of special guests.
— Chandni Agarwal (@chandni1910) August 14, 2023
Appreciate the initiative to respect Nation shapers.
Proud to be an Educator
Visit to @PMSangrahalaya
Thanks @PMOIndia @EduMinOfIndia @cbseindia29 #SpecialGuestIDC
Renu Yadav expressed happiness too on the invitation too. “Mrs. Renu Yadav of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan No.-1 Sagar has expressed her happiness on getting the invitation to attend the Independence Day celebrations,” PIB in MP tweeted.
केंद्रीय विद्यालय संगठन क्रमांक-1 सागर की श्रीमती रेणु यादव ने स्वाधीनता दिवस समारोह में शामिल होने के लिए आमंत्रण मिलने पर प्रसन्नता जाहिर की है। उन्होंने प्रधानमंत्री @narendramodi के प्रति अपना आभार प्रकट करते हुए कहा कि यह मेरे लिए गौरव की बात है। #IDC2023 #SpecialGuestIDC
— PIB in MP (@PIBBhopal) August 11, 2023
Suman Soral from Rajasthan expressed excitement about attending the Independence Day celebrations.
श्रीमती सुमन सोरल को शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में किए गए कार्यों के लिए नई दिल्ली में स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर लाल क़िले में आयोजित होने वाले कार्यक्रम में विशेष अतिथि के रुप में आमंत्रित किया गया है। आमंत्रण पाकर वे उत्साहित हैं और स्वयं को गौरवान्वित महसूस कर रही हैं #SpecialGuestIDC
— PIB in Rajasthan (@PIBJaipur) August 13, 2023
Anirudh Pathak, a 57-year old teacher from KV, Maithon, Jharkhand is another invitee.
केंद्रीय विद्यालय मैथन, धनबाद के 57 वर्षीय शिक्षक अनिरुद्ध पाठक को इस वर्ष नई दिल्ली में स्वतंत्रता दिवस समारोह में शामिल होने के लिए आमंत्रित किया गया है। अपनी पत्नी के साथ इस समारोह में शामिल होने को लेकर वो काफी खुश हैं।
— PIB in Jharkhand ?? (@RanchiPIB) August 11, 2023
#IDC2023 #SpecialGuestIDC
“Ms. Pragati Pandey and Mr. Vivek Pandey from #KVS Jabalpur Region have been invited to attend the #IndependenceDayCelebrations at Red Fort in Delhi. #Watch as they share their immense joy and excitement about receiving invitations for this historic moment,” KVS said in a tweet.
Ms. Pragati Pandey and Mr. Vivek Pandey from #KVS Jabalpur Region have been invited to attend the #IndependenceDayCelebrations at Red Fort in Delhi. #Watch as they share their immense joy and excitement about receiving invitations for this historic moment. #SpecialGuestIDC
— Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (@KVS_HQ) August 14, 2023
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