JEE Advanced 2024 last minute preparation tips; Check here

IIT Madras will conduct the JEE Advanced 2024 on May 26. Aspirants can check the last week preparation tips here.

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JEE Advanced last week preparation tips

Team Careers360 | May 23, 2024 | 04:07 PM IST

NEW DELHI: Indian Institute of Technology Madras will conduct the Joint Entrance Examination Advanced exam on May 26. The exam will be held for two papers - Paper 1 & Paper 2. Both papers will be held for three hours in online mode. Paper 1 will be held from 9 AM to 12 PM, while Paper 2 will be held from 2:30 to 5:30 PM.

Ramesh Batlish, Head of Managing Partner & Head, FIITJEE Noida Centre shared a roadmap for JEE Advanced preparation last week with Careers360. With proper planning and strategy, aspirants can excel in the exam. As limited time is left, aspirants should notice a few points during the last week of the exam.

Last Minutes tips for JEE Advanced 2024

  • Analyze the Syllabus: Screen the JEE Syllabus thoroughly and identify your weaker areas and the topics with more weightage. Focus on the weaker topics and those with more weightage.

  • Create a Realistic Study Plan: Make a realistic timetable and balance between study time and breaks. Divide your study time into smaller slots with proper breaks for recreation and rest.

  • Revise the Fundamentals: Focus more on a thorough revision of the fundamentals of each subject in the last week of preparation. Don’t start any untouched topic, instead refer to the class notes, self-notes, and standard textbooks to revise the fundamentals properly.

  • Solve Previous Years Question (PYQs) Papers: PYQs are the pioneers in the preparation of JEE, which will give you an exact idea about the exam pattern, types of question types and your preparation level. Moreover, they will help to improve time management as well.

  • M ock Tests and Time Management: Attempting mock tests will improve speed, accuracy, and time management. They will also boost your confidence and perfection for the exam. Practice mock tests regularly by setting a timer and analyzing your performance.

  • Focus on Strengths and High-Weightage Topics: Analyse yourself and identify the stronger areas. Revise these topics properly to improve your performance and focus on topics with higher weightage.

  • Seek Clarification and Doubt Resolution: In case of any doubt or confusion, do not hesitate to seek assistance for clarification. Consult your teachers, mentors, or any online source, and get your doubts resolved.

  • Formula Sheets and Quick Revision Notes: Prepare a crisp chart of important formulae and topics. These will serve as handy references for quick revisions.

  • Stay Healthy and Manage Stress: During this crucial time, it’s essential to dedicate yourself fully to the preparation. But alongside it is very important to take care of the physical and mental health.

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