MP school education report on FLN initiative out; Class 2 students show 50% improvement in maths

Mission Ankur Report 2024: The evaluation was conducted in over 4,500 schools in MP, evaluating over 34,000 students from class 2 and over 37,600 students from class 3.

Mission Ankur evaluation report 2024 released. (Image: Ankur evaluation report 2024 released. (Image:

Alivia Mukherjee | June 14, 2024 | 02:30 PM IST

NEW DELHI: The Madhya Pradesh's School Education Minister, Uday Pratap Singh,released the annual assessment report of Mission Ankur, highlighting achievements, and present initiatives for improvement. He mentioned that significant progress has been made this time in achieving the goals of the Skill India Mission compared to the evaluation reports of November 2022. Singh attributed this improvement to the hard work and commitment of officials and staff across all tiers of the School Education Department.

Rashmi Arun Shami, the chief secretary of school education, elucidated that the report covers initiatives aimed at enhancing foundation literacy and numeracy skills, along with tackling forthcoming challenges and their corresponding solutions. According to Arn Shami, this report holds significant value as a learning resource for other states, offering insights from Madhya Pradesh's initiatives in the realm of Foundation Literacy and Numeracy (FLN).

Madhya Pradesh's FLN initiatives

Rashmi Arun Shami further states, it serves as a valuable reference for various non-governmental organizations operating in the education sector. Shami highlighted that the state is actively implementing the National Education Policy 2020 through mission-oriented strategies. The Education Department has initiated numerous transformative steps to achieve FLN objectives, encompassing revised teaching methodologies, the introduction of specialized student workbooks, extensive teacher training initiatives, and the establishment of effective monitoring and governance frameworks.

Mission Ankur: Providing schools with textbooks and teaching materials

Director, State Education Center, Dhanraj S, mentioned that the Indian government is running the Skill India Mission to enhance foundation literacy and numeracy skills under the NEP 2020. It is being implemented in the state under the name 'Mission Ankur'. The State Education Center is providing schools with textbooks along with other teaching materials to support the mission.

Mission Ankur: Student practice sessions

Teachers are being supported in conducting student practice sessions and utilizing these resources for effective teaching, which is reflected in the evaluation report. R Uma Maheshwari, deputy mission director, along with proficient fellows and departmental officials from all districts of the state, participated in the event.

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Evaluation conducted in over 4,500 schools

The State Education Center in Bhopal recently completed the annual assessment of classes 2 and 3 in February 2024, It evaluated the state's progress based on the predefined objectives of the Skill India Mission.

According to the annual assessment report of 2024, there has been an improvement in children's learning outcomes. The assessment was conducted in over 4,500 schools in the state, assessing over 34,000 students from class 2 and over 37,600 students from class 3.

Mission Ankur Evaluation Report 2024: 50% improvement in Mathematical proficiency

In mathematics, the number of students in class 2 who have acquired the skill of adding two-digit numbers without carry has increased by 50%. In November 2022, only 25% of students possessed this ability, which has now risen to an 75% in the 2024 evaluation. Additionally, the study indicates that 27% of class 2 students and 39% of class 3 students in the state exhibit fluent Hindi reading capabilities, reading at rates of 35 and 45 words per minute, respectively, aligning with the standards outlined by the Mission Ankur.

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