GATE 2023 result on March 16; Know how marks are calculated here

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GATE result 2023
GATE result 2023

Rohan D Umak | March 13, 2023 | 08:17 AM IST

NEW DELHI: Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur) will be announcing the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE 2023) result on March 16, 2023. GATE results 2023 will be declared based on normalized marks. Candidates who took the exam will be able to check their GATE scores on the IIT-K official website,

Along with the results, the GATE final answer key will also be available on the official website. Candidates will have to enter credentials in the login window to check the qualifying status and final answer key. Post-result declaration, the GATE 2023 scorecard download link will be activated on March 21, 2023.

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As per the normalization policy, the raw marks obtained by candidates in different sessions will be converted into GATE scores. GATE 2023 score is valid for three years from the date of announcement of the results.

GATE 2023 Result; How marks are calculated?

• The GATE 2023 marks will be calculated out of 100 for 65 questions.

• 1 or 2 marks will be awarded to the candidate for the correct answer.

• ⅓ or ⅔ marks will be deducted for wrong answers.

• No marks will be deducted for Numerical-answer type (NAT) questions and Multiple select questions (MSQs).

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As the number of candidates taking the exam is high for branches such as civil engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science engineering and electrical engineering, the exam is held in multiple sessions.

The official examination conducting body then uses the following formula to calculate the normalized marks.


IIT Kanpur conducted GATE 2023 exam on February 4, 5, 11, and 12, 2023 across the country in computer-based test (CBT) mode. Candidates' response sheet was released by IIT Kanpur on February 15, while the provisional answer key was out on February 21, 2023.

Through this exam, shortlisted candidates are offered admission to master's and doctoral programmes in courses such as engineering, technology, architecture, science and arts. They also become eligible to be recruited at Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) in the country.

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