NTA has successfully concluded the 3rd session of JEE Main 2021 on July 20, 22, 25 and 27 in two shifts. JEE Main 4th attempt dates are August 26, 27 & 31 and September 1 & 2, 2021.
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Try NowPrabakaran K | July 27, 2021 | 09:32 PM IST
NEW DELHI: The National Testing Agency has successfully conducted JEE Main 2021 session 3. Many coaching institutes have issued the JEE Main analysis and answer key unofficially on the basis of memory-based questions. NTA will release the JEE Main 2021 answer key by the end of this week. Meanwhile, candidates can use the unofficial answer key and analysis of JEE Mains 2021 to evaluate their performance.
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Candidates will also be able to check JEE Main 2021 July question paper containing memory-based questions here. Keep checking the page for complete JEE Main answer key and analysis update and JEE Main latest news.
Particulars | Details |
JEE Main 2021 Session 3 exam date | July 20, 22, 25 and 27, 2021 |
JEE Mains timing shift 1 exam | 9 am to 12 noon |
JEE Main 2021 exam time (shift 2) | 3 pm to 6 pm |
Official website | jeemain.nta.nic.in |
JEE Main unofficial answer key release date | July 20, 22, 25 and 27, 2021 |
JEE Main 3rd session result date | 1st/2nd week of August 2021 |
JEE Main 2021 exam analysis for July 27 shift 2 exam will be released by various coaching institutes like Resonance after the conclusion of the examination. Also, the unofficial JEE Main 2021 answer key will be released. The JEE Main memory-based questions along with the solutions will be updated here.
Also, Read:
The following are the JEE Mains 2021 exam day instructions that the candidates need to follow at the exam centre.
Candidates should reach the exam centre at least one hour before the commencement of the JEE Main 2021 exam (July 27).
They need to bring their JEE Main 2021 admit card along with one valid original photo ID proof, passport size photograph and covid-19 self-declaration form.
Students are not permitted to remove their face masks during the examination.
All the candidates need to maintain proper social distancing measures.
After the conclusion of the exam, candidates should drop their rough sheets and admit cards hard copy in the dropbox pleased at the exam centre.
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NTA has successfully concluded the 3rd session of JEE Main 2021 on July 20, 22, 25 and 27 in two shifts. JEE Main 4th attempt dates are August 26, 27 & 31 and September 1 & 2, 2021.
National Testing Agency has announced the JEE Main session 4 exam date at the official website. JEE Main session 4 exam date are August 26, 27, 31 and September 1 & 2.
NTA will release the JEE Main 2021 answer key at the official website soon. The exam conducting authority will first release the provisional answer key.
Applicants appearing for the JEE Main 4th attempt must follow the JEE preparation tips by experts to ace the exam with good marks.
Candidates going to appear for JEE Main 2021 fourth attempt must check items to carry at the exam centre from below.
Candidates can check the JEE Main 2021 statistics for February session here.
Gender | General | Gen-EWS | OBC- NCL (Central List) | SC | ST | PwD | Total |
Female | 90522 | 18028 | 67181 | 15948 | 6092 | 330 | 197771 |
Male | 196673 | 45372 | 154872 | 41626 | 16309 | 1448 | 454852 |
Transgender | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 4 |
Total | 287196 | 63400 | 222054 | 57574 | 22403 | 1778 | 652627 |
NTA will soon release the JEE Main result 2021 at the official website. Candidates will be able to check the JEE Main 3rd attempt result through their login credentials.
Various coaching institutes like Resonance will release the JEE Main 25 July Shift 2 answer key soon at their official website. Candidates will be able to check the answer key of JEE Mains here.
JEE Main 2021 aspirants are advised to check the JEE paper pattern well in advanced. Understanding of the JEE Main 2021 exam pattern can help students to be comfortable with the paper pattern during the exam.
Applicants appeared for JEE Main 3rd attempt will be able to check JEE Mains 2021 question paper with solutions pdf soon from the direct link here.
Candidates appearing for JEE Main 2021 can check the top engineering colleges to apply based on JEE score.
NIT Trichy - National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli
NIT Surathkal - National Institute of Technology Karnataka
NIT Rourkela - National Institute of Technology
ICT Mumbai - Institute of Chemical Technology
NIT Warangal - National Institute of Technology
Various coaching institutes will release the JEE Main 27 July answer key for shit 2 soon. Candidates will be able to check JEE Main 2021 answer key from the direct link here.
Applicants appeared for JEE Mains 3rd attempt will be able to check JEE Main marks vs percentile 2021 soon.
NTA will release the JEE Main 2021 3rd session result soon at the official website. Candidates will be able to check the JEE Main result 2021 for 3rd attempt from the official website through their login credentials.
Subject | Difficulty level |
Chemistry | Easy to moderate |
Physics | Moderate |
Mathematics | Moderately difficult |
Applicants appeared for the JEE Main exam on July 27 shift 2 will be able to check the JEE Main answer key 2021 soon.
As per the candidate's reaction, JEE Main July 27 shift 2 exam was moderately difficult.
Mathematics section was moderately tough and lenghy and question were asked from reasoning, statistics, Coordinate Geometry and Trigonometry.
Chemistry section was easy and all the questions were asked from NCERT. The questions were asked from polymers, environmental science and others. The weightage to organic chemistry was given more as compared to other sessions.
Physics section was moderate and questions were asked from Thermodynamics, semi-conductors and others.
Applicants looking for admissions to IITs must check the admission process. Top 2,50,000 JEE Main 2021 rank holders will be eligible to appear for the JEE Advanced 2021. The exam conducting authority is going to conduct the JEE Advanced 2021 exam on October 3 in offline mode.
Candidate now check the JEE Main 2021 exam analysis for July 27 Shift 2. As per the students reaction, candidates found paper as moderately difficult.
Candidates appearing for JEE Main for the 4th attempt must check the important topics asked in the third session exam. Check below important Physics topics asked in the JEE Main 2021 exam below.
Current Electricity
AC Circuits
The questions asked in JEE Main 2021 July 27 Shift 2 Maths section was quite tough and lenghy. The questions asked in exam were from Statistics, relations and others.
Candidates appeared for JEE Main 2021 can check the JEE Main 27 July 2021 question paper soon from the direct link here.
Candidates can check the JEE Main 2021 exam analysis for the July 25 shift 2 exam for the physics section released by Resonance below.
Applicants can check the important topics asked in the JEE Main 2021 exam on July 27 shift 2 from below.
Physics: Fluids, EMF, Alternating Currents, Semiconductors, Electrostatics
Chemistry: Metallurgy, Coordination compounds, Polymers, Biomolecules
Students found chemistry section easy to moderate. All the questions asked in chemistry section were from NCERT.
The Physics sections was well balanced. Questions in JEE Main 2021 July 27 shift 2 were asked from almost all the topics
Applicants appeared for JEE Main 2021 for session 3 can check their JEE Main 2021 result soon from the official website. NTA will release the JEE Main 3rd attempt result tentatively before July 31.
As per the student's reaction, July 27 Shift 2 exam was moderate in nature. For section wise difficulty level, candidates can check details below.
Physics: Moderate
Chemistry: Easy
Mathematics: Moderate to tough
As per the student's reaction candidates found JEE Mains today paper analysis for July 27 sift 2 moderately difficult. Mathematics was quite tough and lenthy while chemistry was NCERT based.
Candidates can check the video analysis of JEE Main Maths question paper for July 25 shift 2 exam by Resonance experts below-
Various coaching institutes will release the JEE Main exam analysis 2021 from July 27 shift 2 soon.
The National Testing Agency has successfully concluded the JEE Main 27 July 2021 exam for shift 2. Applicants will be able to check JEE Main exam analysis 2021 soon from here.
Candidates can check the exam analysis and unofficial answer key of JEE Main 27 July 2021 from the direct link here.
Various coaching institutes will soon release the JEE Main July 2021 question paper. Applicants can also check JEE Main exam analysis 2021 soon.
The National Testing Agency is going to conclude the JEE Main 2021 exam July 27 for shift 2 soon. Applicants can check JEE Main exam analysis and unofficial answer key soon from the direct link here.
Candidates can check the JEE Main paper analysis July 27 shift 1. As per the student's reaction, the paper was moderate in difficultly level.
National Testing Agency will release the JEE Main 2021 result date for 3rd session soon at the official website. Applicants will be able to check their JEE Main 2021 3rd session result using their login credentials.
Applicants appearing for JEE Main 4th attempt must check the topic wise weightage. It helps candidates to figure out most asked questions in the JEE Main previous year exam.
National Testing Agency is going to conduct the JEE Main session 4 exam on August 26, 27, 31 and September 1 & 2.
Applicants can check the admission process to NITs through JEE Mains 2021. Applicants first need to complete registration at JOSAA registration 2021. Candidates allotted seats in the counselling process have to pay the seat locking fee in online mode.
Applicants can check the new changes introduced in JEE Advanced 2021 here.
eight new JEE Advanced exam cities have been added this year and 7 cities have been removed.
Supernumerary seats for female candidates
NTA will first release the provisional JEE Main answer key 2021 after the conclusion of exam. Candidates will be allowed to raise objections to the provisional answer key. The authorities will then declare the JEE Main result 2021 along with the final answer key in some time. Candidates will be able to check their JEE Main 2021 session 3 result through the official website- jeemain.nta.nic.in- using their application number and password.
Candidates can check the video analysis by Resonance for JEE Main 2021 maths question paper- July 27 shift 1-below-
The experts from Resonance have released the JEE Main 2021 maths answer key for July 27 shift 1 paper.
JEE Main 2021 question paper with solutions by Resonance- July 27 shift 1 maths- Click Here
The experts from Resonance have released the JEE Main 2021 chemistry answer key for July 27 shift 1 paper.
JEE Main 2021 question paper with solutions by Resonance- July 27 shift 1 Chemistry- Click Here
JEE Advanced 2021 exam date has been announced. The exam will be held on October 3. IIT Kharagpur had earlier released the official brochure of JEE Advanced 2021 on the website. According to the brochure, some changes have been introduced-
To check all the changes in JEE Advanced 2021- Click Here
Candidates can check the video analysis by Resonance for JEE Main 2021 chemistry question paper- July 27 shift 1-below-
The Council of Architecture (CoA) has released the NATA application form 2021 on the official website on July 26. Interested and eligible candidates can apply till August 22. It is the first time that CoA is conducting a phase 3 exam for NATA in a year. NATA 2021 third attempt exam date is September 3. It should be noted that candidates who have appeared in any one phase of NATA 2021 are only eligible for the third attempt.
Resonance experts have released the JEE Main 2021 chemistry question paper analysis for July 25 shift 2 exam. Candidates can check the video analysis below-
Candidates can check the memory-based JEE Main 2021 question paper for physics for July 27 shift 1 exam below-
Q1. In a YDSE setup, orange light is replaced by blue light. Then
A. Fringe width will increase
B. Fringe width will decrease
C. At center, instead of maxima, there will be minima
D. Intensity of central maxima will decrease
Q2. (Question by Vedantu)
Q3. (Question by Vedantu)
Shift 2 of July 27 JEE Main 2021 exam has started at 3.00 pm. Candidates were provided with fresh masks and sanitizer at the entry. JEE Main 2021 July 27 shift 2 exam will conclude at 6.00 pm. JEE Main 2021 analysis for the shift will be updated here after the exam. Keep following for the latest JEE Main 2021 updates.
Experts from Vedantu have released the memory-based JEE Main 2021 physics question paper for July 27 shift 1 exam. Candidates can check the JEE Main 2021 July question paper below-
Overall, JEE Main 2021 July 27 shift 1 was a typical paper of moderate difficulty level which can be solved comfortably in the stipulated time. The order of difficulty in different subjects provided by a large section of aspirants is
Mathematics > Chemistry > Physics
Experts from the Aakash Institute have shared the JEE Main 2021 question paper analysis for July 27 shift 1 exam-
The paper was of easy to moderate level. A few good questions were sprinkled here and there in the three subjects. A majority opinion was of the view that Physics part was the easiest. Whereas Chemistry was of easy to moderate levels, Mathematics was moderate because of some lengthy calculations involved. A subject-wise analysis in detail is given below:
Physics: Questions were set from covering all the topics. Students were tested on the simple level of applicability of concepts. Numerical were more in numbers than theoretical questions. Four to five questions from modern Physics, 6 to 7 questions from mechanics and two questions from communications made the bulk of the Physics paper besides questions from Thermodynamics, Electrostatics, Optics and other chapters. Those students who have thoroughly covered the course of XI and XII along with sufficient problem solving through similar type of practice tests will score nicely in this paper.
Chemistry: The chemistry part was on predicted lines. Eight of the numerical value questions was from Physical Chemistry with two from Inorganic Chemistry. All the questions from Organic Chemistry were asked in MCQ form. There were almost equal number of questions from Physical, Inorganic and Organic branches of Chemistry and the whole paper was NCERT based. Chemistry in everyday life, GOC, Aldehydes and Ketones and Biomolecules are the chapters from which significant number of questions were asked.
A thorough study of NCERT books, solving NCERT exemplar and practicing through mock tests holds the key for success in this paper.
Mathematics: Predictably, Mathematics part was a bit lengthy thus making it moderately difficult. 5 to 6 questions from Calculus were the main stay of the paper. There were not less than 5 questions from Algebra, 4 questions from Coordinate Geometry and 2 or 3 questions from Trigonometry. Chapters like Vectors, 3D Geometry and Probability too found represented in this paper.
Practicing a lot of mock tests would be a good strategy in this paper.
Candidates can check the memory-based JEE Main 2021 question paper for chemistry for July 27 shift 1 exam below-
Students have started reaching the exam centres for shift 2 of JEE Main July 27 shift 2 exam. Entry for shift 2 will begin at 2.00 pm. Check the guidelines being followed at the entry below-
Candidates have to maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from each other at all times.
Candidates will be required to show their JEE Main 2021 admit card and undertaking (self-declaration form) to the invigilators.
Candidates should stand in queues as instructed by the invigilators at the centres.
Thermal screening of the candidates will be carried out at the entry.
If the body temperature of a candidate is above the COVID-19 norms, he/she will be taken to a separate room for giving the exam.
Frisking of candidates will also be done.
Candidates who are appearing for JEE Main 2021 4th session exam should check their preparation by attempting the online test series from Careers360. The JEE Main 2021 test series is prepared by the experts from Careers360 based on the latest pattern of the exam.
Click here to take JEE Main 2021 test series by Careers360
In terms of order of difficulty – Mathematics & Chemistry were moderate while Physics was easiest amongst the three subjects. Overall, this paper was of Moderate level.
● Mathematics – Moderate level. Questions were asked from chapters majorly from Calculus & Algebra. Weightage was given to Chapter like Vectors, Matrices, Probability, 3 D Geometry, Complex numbers in Algebra. Students reported Numerical Section lengthy and tricky.
● Physics – Easy level. Questions asked from Electrostatics, Magnetism, Current Electricity & AC Circuits. Few Numerical based questions had lengthy calculations but were easy. Few fact-based questions from class XII chapters of NCERT were also asked. Overall this section was easy. This was a balanced section.
● Chemistry – Moderate level. Inorganic Chemistry was given more weightage compared to Physical & Organic Chemistry. Physical Chemistry was only asked in Numerical Section. There were questions from Solid state apart from Coordination Chemistry. Few students felt Numerical Based questions were tricky.
Candidates appearing for the JEE Main 4th session exam should revise important physics topics before the exam. Check important JEE Mains topics 2021 for physics below-
Topics | Chapters |
Work Energy and Power | Nature of Work Done |
Work done by variable force | |
Kinetic energy | |
Potential energy | |
Potential energy curve | |
Rotational Motion | Center of mass |
Position of centre of mass for solid cone | |
Motion of the centre of mass | |
Equations of Linear Motion and Rotational Motion. | |
Torque |
To check the complete list of topics- Click Here
Due to heavy rainfall in Delhi, many students faced difficulty in reaching exam centres for JEE Main 2021 July 27 shift 1 exam. Many students were also not allowed at the centres after getting late. Some of the reactions, requests have been posted on Twitter.
Heavy water logging near Jee Main examination centre in Saket, Westend marg , New Delhi , didn't allow to enter the examination centre after getting heavily soaked in water. HUGE LOSS for the child #JEEMains2021 @dpradhanbjp @DG_NTA @SDMC_Official pic.twitter.com/Pc65VhoAkp
— Ajay Goel (@ajaygoel14) July 27, 2021
Candidates can check the difficulty level analysis for July 27 shift 1 JEE Main 2021 exam from the table below-
JEE Main 2021 July 27 Shift 1 exam
Sections | Difficulty level |
Mathematics | Tough |
Physics | Moderate |
Chemistry | Easy |
Candidates can check the detailed JEE Main 2021 question paper analysis for July 27 shift 1 HERE
Key Highlights of Today's JEE Main 2021 Shift 1 paper
Candidates can check the topics asked in JEE Main 2021 July 27 shift 1 exam below-
As per the student's reviews on July 27 JEE Main 2021 exam, NCERT has played a major role in today's shift 1 paper. As per the students, those who had fully prepared NCERT, today's JEE Main paper would have been easy for them.
Similar to the previous shifts of the JEE Main 2021 session 3 exam, Chemistry was completely NCERT based. Thus, candidates appearing for the next shift and the JEE Main 4th session exam should revise their NCERT books.
The JEE Main exam analysis for July 27 shift 1 based on students' reactions is out now. Check below-
JEE Main paper analysis 2021 for July 27 shift 1 will be updated here soon. The JEE Main 2021 exam analysis will be based on the reviews provided by the students. As per the previous sessions, it is likely that the difficulty level of July 27 shift 1 will also be moderate. However, exact student reviews for JEE Mains July 27 shift 1 exam will be updated here soon. Keep following for the latest JEE Main 2021 live updates.
Shift 1 of July 27 JEE Main 2021 exam has concluded at 12.00 noon. Students will start coming out of the exam centres soon. Students will be allowed to move out in an orderly manner. Immediate student reactions on July 27 shift 1 exam will be updated here. Complete JEE Main 2021 paper analysis for July 27 shift 1 exam by coaching institutes like FIITJEE, Aakash Institute will also be available soon.
The National Testing Agency will conclude the JEE Main 2021 July 27 shift 1 exam at 12.00 noon. Candidates will be able to check the detailed JEE Main analysis 2021 for July 27 shift 1 exam here. JEE Main analysis 2021, question paper and answer keys by various coaching institutes will also be updated here. Keep following for the latest JEE Main 2021 updates.
The NTA has revised the JEE Main 2021 eligibility criteria. The authorities decided to waive off the 75% marks (in class 12 exam) eligibility criteria under Joint Entrance Examination (JEE Main) for the next academic year 2021-2022. Earlier, only those students who have secured 75% marks in class 12 were eligible for admissions.
Since the NTA is conducting JEE Main 2021 exam amid COVID-19 pandemic, the authorities will follow the below given guidelines at the exam centre.
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur has released the exam date for JEE Advanced 2021 exam. The authorities will conduct the JEE Advanced 2021 on October 3. As soon as JEE Advanced dates are announced, the aspirants took social media to show their reaction. Although most of the students were happy with the announcement of the JEE Advanced exam date 2021 as it has provided them clarity about the time left for preparation, some other students expressed their disappointment.
Thanks a lot sir
— Shailesh Dwivedi?? (@_Shailesh_1811) July 26, 2021
@DG_NTA is it true that #JEEAdvanced is on oct 3?
— Renu subramaniam (@renusubramaniam) July 27, 2021
Isnt it too late? @dpradhanbjp
It means counselling cant happen before mid nov abd sessions cant start till Dec 2021.
I hope now students don't demand further postponement.
The National Testing Agency (NTA) will release the JEE Main 2021 answer key for session 3 exam a few days after the conclusion of the entrance exam. The JEE Main 2021 3rd attempt will be over today at 6 PM. After the release of NTA JEE Main answer key 2021, students will be allowed to raise objections in case they find any errors in it. In the meantime, students can check the unofficial JEE Main answer key as released by the coaching institutes.
The authorities are conducting the JEE Main 2021 paper 1 as a conducted as a computer based test for the duration of three hours. JEE Main 2021 BTech question paper consists of three sections - Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. In the below table, candidates are provided with the subject wise distribution of questions, total number of questions and marks of NTA JEE Main 2021 in the table below.
Subject wise distribution of Questions, Total Number of Questions and Marks
Subject | Section - A | Section - B | Marks |
Mathematics | 20 | 10 | 100 |
Physics | 20 | 10 | 100 |
Chemistry | 20 | 10 | 100 |
Total | 90 | 300 |
Along with the release of JEE Main admit card 2021, the authorities announced an increase in the JEE Main exam centres. JEE Main 2021 session 3 exam is being conducted in 334 cities across the country. The authorities have increased the number of exam cities from 232 to 334 for the third and fourth sessions of the JEE Main 2021 exam.
Candidates can check the list of top engineering colleges accepting JEE Main scores. NTA will release the institute wise JEE Main 2021 cutoff after the declaration of phase 4 results.
Today is the last day of JEE Main 2021 session 3 exam. Students who are preparing for the JEE Main 2021 session 4 exam can check the detailed JEE Main analysis 2021 of phase 3 shifts.
Shifts | July 20 | July 22 | July 25 |
Shift 1 | JEE Main exam analysis 2021 for July 20 shift 1; Know all details here | - | JEE Main 2021 exam analysis for July 25 Shift 1; Check difficulty level |
Shift 2 |
Coaching institutes like Resonance have released the JEE Main 2021 answer key for session 3 exam. Candidates can check the JEE Main answer key resonance for July 20, 22, and 25 in the table below.
Exam Date | JEE Mains 2021 question paper |
JEE Main July 20 Question Paper with solutions | |
JEE Main 2021 Question Paper with solutions for July 22 | |
JEE Main 2021 answer key for July 25 | Click Here |
The JEE Main 4th attempt date has been released by the authorities. As per the JEE Main exam date 2021, the last session of the Joint Entrance Examination (Mains) will be held on August 26, 27, 31, September 1, and 2. Candidates can check the detailed NTA JEE Main 2021 notification on session 4 dates below.
JEE Main admit card 2021 is a mandatory document without which students will not be allowed to appear in the entrance exam. JEE Main 2021 aspirants who are going to appear in shift 2 of July 27 exam can download the admit card from the official website - jeemain.nta.nic.in 2021. The steps for JEE Main admit card download can be checked through a video given below.
The Union Education Minister, Dharmendra Pradhan on July 24 announced that the JEE Main 2021 aspirants who are unable to attempt JEE session 3 exam due to heavy rains will be provided another opportunity. The new JEE Main 2021 exam date will be announced soon.
Students from Kolhapur, Palghar, Ratnagiri, Raigadh, Sindhudurg, Sangli, & Satara, who are unable to reach their test centres on 25 & 27 July 2021 for JEE (Main)-2021 Session 3 need not panic. They will be given another opportunity,and the dates will be announced soon by the NTA.
— Dharmendra Pradhan (@dpradhanbjp) July 24, 2021
The NTA has decided to grant another opportunity to all JEE Main 2021 aspirants who have examination Centres in the cities of Kolhapur, Palghar, Ratnagiri, Raigadh, Sindhudurg, Sangli, and Satara, and who are not able to reach the Examination Centre for JEE Main 2021 session 3.
NTA JEE Main 2021 official notice
The JEE Main 2021 paper 1 question paper consists of three sections:
The National Testing Agency (NTA) has announced the JEE Main 2021 exam date for all the sessions. The JEE Main session 3 is being conducted on July 20, 22, 25, and 27, 2021. The last session of JEE Main 2021 will be held in August. JEE Main 2021 4th attempt dates are August 26, 27, 31, September 1, and 2.
Education Minister, Dharmendra Pradhan has announced the JEE Advanced exam date 2021. JEE Advanced 2021 exam is scheduled to be held online on October 3. Before, the JEE Advanced exam was supposed to be conducted on July 3. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the authorities had postponed the examination.
JEE (Advanced) 2021 examination for admission in #IITs will be held on the 3rd October, 2021. The examination will be conducted adhering to all Covid-protocols.@DG_NTA @PIBHRD @EduMinOfIndia @IITKgp @PMOIndia
— Dharmendra Pradhan (@dpradhanbjp) July 26, 2021
Candidates appearing for JEE Main 2021 session 3 exam need to check the marking scheme carefully. Go through the JEE Main marking scheme 2021 below.
Candidates will be given four marks for each correct answer.
One mark will be reduced for each incorrect answer.
No marks will be reduced for questions left unanswered.
In numerical type questions, they will be provided four marks for each correct answer, and there will be no negative marking.
The National Testing Agency (NTA) has started the final day of JEE Main 3rd session today, July 27, at 9 am. The national level engineering entrance exa\m will be held for 3 hours. The JEE Main July 27 shift 1 exam will conclude at 12 noon.
Candidates who are appearing for the JEE Main 2021 exam are needed to be dressed up as per the guidelines issued by the NTA.
Students are not permitted to wear caps, thick sole footwear and any metallic items.
If candidates wear specific religious attire, they are advised to reach the exam centre as early as possible for checking and frisking.
They should wear masks and gloves all the time inside and outside the JEE Main 2021 exam centre.
Since students will not be allowed to wear any kind of ornaments or jewellery.
The securities at the exam centre have opened the gate and entry started. Candidates who fail to carry a JEE Main admit card 2021, self-declaration form, and a valid photo id are not permitted to enter the exam centre.
Candidates who are appearing in the 1st shift of JEE Main 2021 day 4 of phase 3 exam have begun reaching the exam centre.
The authorities have provided some important JEE Main 2021 exam day guidelines. Candidates need to follow those guidelines strictly. Go through some of the exam day instructions below.
No candidates will be permitted entry into the exam centre after gate closing time. So, it is better to reach the exam centre one hour before the commencement of the JEE Main 2021 exam.
Candidates must carry their JEE Main 2021 admit card with self-declaration to the exam hall to get entry. Also, they should make sure that they have carried other necessary documents along with them.
The candidate should maintain a proper social distancing and wear a mask all the time at the exam centre.
Before reaching the exam hall, candidates must duly fill the JEE Main self-declaration form and paste their passport-sized photograph on it.
Candidates should take the required documents to the exam centre. The table below shows the items to be carried at the JEE Main 2021 exam centre.
S.no | Items allowed inside the exam hall |
1. | A printout of JEE Main 2021 admit card with self-declaration form |
2. | Passport size photograph - 1 or 2 numbers |
3. | A valid photo identity proof - PAN card, Driving license, Passport, Voter id, Aadhaar card with the photograph, EAadhaar with photograph, Bank passbook with a photograph. |
4. | A ballpoint pen. |
5. | A hand sanitizer - 50 ml. |
6. | A water bottle. |
7. | In case the candidate is diabetic, sugar tablets and fruits are allowed. |
8. | Candidates claiming PwD reservations should bring a PwD certificate issued by the competent authority (if applicable). |
Shift 1 of JEE Main 2021 exam will begin at 9 am and shift 2 will begin at 3 pm. The total duration of the JEE Main 2021 exam will be three hours. Check the table below to know the test timings.
Particulars | Shift 1 | Shift 2 |
Reporting time at exam centre | 8:00 am | 2:00 pm |
Entry start time | 8:00 am | 2:00 pm |
Gate closing time of centre | 8:30 am | 2:30 pm |
Checking of admit cards by the Invigilator | 8:30 am to 8:45 am | 2:30 pm to 2:45 pm |
Seating inside the exam centre | 8:45 am | 2: 45 pm |
JEE Main exam timing 2021 | 9:00 am to 12:00 noon | 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm |
Exam conclusion time | 12:00 noon | 6:00 pm |
National Testing Agency (NTA) is scheduled to conduct the last day of JEE Main 2021 exam (third phase) today, July 27. The JEE Main 2021 exam will be held as a computer-based test in exam cities across the country in two shifts.